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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. a note on the removal of the crank pulley... i found at harbor freight a universal crank pulley tool, it was $12.xx. I had to grind it down to a litte bit to get it to fit in the holes of the pulley and after i slid a pipe onto the end it was long enough to brace itself on the ground and allow me to get in there with a breaker bar, worked out pretty good. also worked for the reinstall. -scott
  2. it ran pretty good after work today, the hesitating seems like it is intermittent. like, you give it gas and its sluggish, and as the rpms rise it'll hiccup to life for a sec, then ther power levels out and then it comes to life again... knaww meen (know what i mean) ??
  3. i think it was probably running as good as it was previous to the days before i was having that crazy idle issue. but it still seems like its lacking some power, seems to be intermittent. I ordered timing belt and tensioners and such so i'll replace that but in the mean time i'll see whats up with the cap/rotor etc
  4. The guy i got it from put new plugs and wires on, i havent checked the cap, it seems pretty clean though. i'll see if i get a chance tomorrow to check the brands, but i cant see it being THAT big of a difference with different plugs and wires if they are new. but i guess most of my experience is with other cars... not old rump roast subarus'
  5. Thanks G, I will investigate that IAC some more. I think since im bored at work i'll print out that EA82 manual so i can have a copy in the garage and waste company paper supplies at the same time, but atleast i know it wont be as bad as the '00 outback manual that was a stack of paper about 9" tall when i was done. HAHAH
  6. and i took some (poor quality) video of it and i wanted to see what you guys thought about it. so background... 92 Loyale, EA82 - 3AT 103k miles has been running a little sluggish, i cleaned the MAF with some intake cleaner and let it dry the other day, but its been a bit sluggish before that. its got new plugs, wires (7mm), fuel filter, oil is up to proper level (it does leak some but not more than a spot the size of a quarter or so a day, i keep it topped up) Hesistates when accelerating which im guessin since its 17 yrs old, the timing belt is ready to be changed since its about at that mileage. so, check out what happens when i start it up as of yesterday.... i just started it up, and let it do its thing, i shifted into reverse a few times too. rpms sometimes drop down the point it almost stops the engine, and one time it did actually stall out. the sounds really low but you can possibly see whats going on from the tach. i'll try this again when i get my video camera back from work. any thoughts? im hoping someone who has watched this has had the same thing or knows where to start. I dont want to do more extra work that didnt necessarily need to be done if i dont have to. Thanks guys... its gettin cold out and the harley isnt too good in the snow.
  7. sounds like a nazi camp. minus the torturing of jewish people. i'd gladly sign a liability waiver to pick and pull some goodies.
  8. found it on Google maps! yay. dammit im bored right now hahah. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cindy%27s+Classic+used+auto+parts&sll=43.014297,-89.032795&sspn=0,0&ie=UTF8&hq=Cindy%27s+Classic+used+auto+parts&hnear=&ll=43.01778,-89.036787&spn=0,359.982941&z=16&layer=c&cbll=43.017874,-89.03698&panoid=J-fqMX89c72nagpwihP2Tw&cbp=12,56.46,,0,16.42
  9. 50? damn, i've only seen ONE in person! i did a search and found this article about it... http://www.greendaily.com/2008/06/24/is-subaru-heaven-for-real/ haha awesome
  10. this is great! i wonder how much he'd charge for that sunroof! so was it a pick n pull yard where you can get the ************ yourself?
  11. Sounds good to me! You just seem so knowlegdable that you could probably tell me a monkey in the trans switched it and I'd believe you. Haha. Anyways, I tested it on a gravel road I found, 4wd on I drove forward and tried swerving a bit and you could feel the backwheels pushing it forward... Sweet. Bring on da mo f'n snow!!
  12. Thanks for ruining my day. Just kidding, I hadn't seen those decal things before. Oh well.
  13. i was thinking about that or under the door lock on drivers door or something.
  14. my lights come on when i hit the button, yay! thanks for the insight... since you seem to know EVERYTHING, i'll take your word for that one GD, the reason for only one front and one rear wheel spinning is becuase of the dif's and no friction correct?
  15. i know. doin that now y0

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