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Everything posted by xbeerd

  1. yeah the shorter travel was something mentioned in Jeszeks thread about them. unfortunately, i'd be lying if i said i was driving on anything regularily more treacherous than a poorly maintained gravel road. pretty urban around here.
  2. If you dont have any other those tools available, i made a tool to turn it in out of a pipe, i cut some notches out so that there were a couple nubs stickin out to fit the grooves
  3. LOL... thanks for the info, maybe i'll attempt this if a free/cheap XT falls out of my rump roast or someone wants to donate to a cool project.
  4. anyone ever done it? i would assume some custom work to make the shifter and such to line up if you dont have a xt shifter. wondering if alot of the wiring would be the same as far as the dash harness connecting to the body wiring etc. from what i've measured out, the front windsheild line/curve woudlnt quite line up but the sides of the dash should fit between the door panels. some kind of custom door panel would have to be 'made' hmm? i've always like the idea of a xt interior in my wagon. :headbang:
  5. yeah, i forgot what shipping was FROM washington to here. you might look and find Bill Ohmlin on here and get one from him if he is still makin them, this lift was only $100 for the lift blocks and rear brackets at the time.
  6. i had a thought... is there any chance in hell that you can swap the 4x140 hub onto a legacy/impreza knuckle, so you could move to impreza struts and have camber adjustment, but keep your 4x140 wheels? i guess the balljoint would be an issue unless you got xt6 control arms eh? or no?
  7. Shouldn't you find my other thread about FRONT suspension? Haha kidding. The 2wd has a lower spring seat right? I think any of the 11" or so options would work as a replacement with minimal modification. Unfortunately I don't have a set of 2wd strut to test it onr I'd grab a set of springs from the jy. If I recall the spring install height on the 4wd is 8". So the 2wd would be about 2" taller (I thinkni read that somewhere 2" was the dif?)
  8. thats true, however, of the people that either already have or dont want a lift.. the rest of the people with loyales in town are hoodrats that probably dont even know if they have a 4wd car or not. LOL gotta love milwaukee.
  9. Did you see in the thread when I mentioned using the 98+ intrepid springs? If my tempo springs went to ************ I was going to order those next. But the tempo springs seem to be holding up just fine. Even tho they aren't as wide. They don't shift at all.
  10. the one on my car now is good. It was off of a xt6 or something much less rusty than my original. Just wanting to save a good piece from the crusher since these cars are scarce in the midwest.
  11. I would say its closer to 5" I'd. Don't recall the unspring height. I think I had it in a thread on here where I was lookin for tempo spring install info
  12. now it still seems that the springs have not sagged at all. car still sits about the same height.
  13. be sure to take a picture if you do get a chance. i'd be interested too.
  14. yeah, 11" will NEVER fit, if you compressed it far enough to fit. you would probably have coils touching coils. LOL!
  15. i dont really get the drastic difference in the load rating? 484 vs 1100?
  16. yeah, thats the problem i ran into, i could either A.. go to the junkyard, pull a set of struts off an old accord, pull the springs, and get charged $30/ea side because they usually dont split up the springs/struts etc off the cars.. or B. just get new springs for the same cost and not have left over honda parts floating around.
  17. oh yeah, my axles were stuck, i popped the thing thru the rear drums for removal. puttin back in was a ***************, come to think of it, gettin out was too!
  18. yeah, i wanna go out there this week, thursday or friday probably. unless i can get out tuesday afternoon maybe we can go out there and convince them just to flip the ************er over on its top if they are gonna crush it that'd make it easier haha. yeah, the ea82 wasnt as bad as its hollow. although, the floor jack works well for holding the rear dif up untill you get it all disconnected, then lower it down and drag it out. if i recall thats how i did it. maybe i can score some 92 accord rear calipers per jeszeks swap.. have front and rear ebrake!
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