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Everything posted by sask49

  1. Yippee! Try a ground to the body and those back and forth thing’ums move.
  2. 1994 Loyale ( Leon?) I need to replace the external fuel pump, which was quite pricey, so I want to put a new fuel filter before the old dirty gas hits my pump. Anyone know where I can get one? I would prefer OEM , but generic would work? Can I use any in line filter? Appreciate any help you could give me Thankd
  3. I have a rough all over the place unpredictable idle. Usually from 1500-3000. Car sometimes bogs out , when clutch is released after stopping at a light. Checked the idle air control valve, but electrically was within the parameters. Any ideas on where to go from here? Sask49
  4. My 1992 Loyale is giving me codes 11 and 13 related to the crank angle sensor .What can I do? Turns over but not start.

  5. 1992 loyale is giving codes 11 and 13 related to my crank angle sensor. It will turn over but not fire. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  6. Hello out there.I am getting codes 11 and 13 related to my crank angle sensor . Will turn over ,but not fire.on 1992 Loyale. WHAT CAN DO?

  7. My car was showing some hesistance in the past week. Now it will turn over and I have spark to all cylinders. Fuel pump pressure is 24psi with clean filters,but it won"t start. I have very little hair ,but I'm ready to tear it out. Can anyone suggest what to check next? Regards
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