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About jstin

  • Birthday 07/26/1987

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  • Location
    Lakewood, CO

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Thanks for all the help. I guess I won't get the RX. There's a few other Subarus in the paper now that look promising...
  2. Hmm, what kind of money do you mean. If I bought a car for $1000, I'd have $700 to put into it right away (I have $1700 for a car right now). I would not want to spend more than $1500 extra on it within two years. Thats why I thought a parts car might work out well? I saw an 88 DL Wagon, perhaps that would be a better car.
  3. Alright, I have a couple questions then. I know a lot of you guys have "parts cars". If I were to get one for this car, could it be any EA82 model, or would it have to be an RX? Also, is a parts car a good way to fix a car inexpensively. The plan would be, if any thing went wrong with the RX, I could take something off the part car, and fix the RX. Then I'd just talk the people selling the RX down some, and I'd be set. Would this be a feasible plan? If its the engine thats shot, perhaps it wouldn't work so well. I think there might be a problem with the head gaskets (but I think these at least are common among the EA82's?).
  4. Ok, updated the profile. I live in Lakewood, CO. I wonder what someone could do to check it out though...
  5. Yeah, I was gonna offer $300 for it, if they don't let me take it to a mechanic. But I highly doubt they'll take anything but $1000 for it. It doesn't seem like they care too much if they sell it or not, they just want $1000. If a wait a few weeks, perhaps then they'll let me have it checked out, or go down to $300. I wish I knew what they knew. So tempting, its running so nice now...
  6. Nope, if don't have Windows Media Player installed, install it. Otherwise your MIME types are set wrong, try holding the option key down when you click the link to download the file to your desktop. Open it from there.
  7. The first time we asked to take it to the shop they said that they just took it off their insurance (uh huh, this was a couple days after our second test drive). So we asked them again telling them that our insurance would cover it for a day, so we could drive it to the shop. This time we couldn't because we had already seen it three times; and they thought my brother-in-law, who saw it the last time, was a mechanic. Another problem I forgot to mention was that the oil pressure gauge doesn't work.
  8. I found this for sale close to my house. I'm concerned about how it'll run. Right now it runs great, we took it out twice and it couldn't of done better; 70 mph down highway, great pick up, etc. The only problem I noticed was that the car smelled like oil, and it liked to smoke sometimes. The reason this is scary is that they say they replaced the engine (it only has 50k on it) and the radiator is damaged, needs to be replaced. The combination of the new engine, radiator, and smoke seems like it could indicate something (head gasket?). The scariest part is that they wont let me take it to a mechanic to check it out. As this would be my first car, I want to be able to drive it without putting more than $800 in it. Yeah, I don't want it to sit around not working. Its hard to pass up an RX though. The Carfax report said it failed emissions twice, but soon after passed.
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