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Everything posted by CleanMachine

  1. Thanks for the link to the original post. I'm glad to get the skinny on where this car came from and what the situation was before you got it. Needless to say I'm still very interested. I'll try calling you tomorrow evening to talk logistics of the sale.

  2. Excellent! This sounds like it may be just the car I have been seeking. The minor body damage and mechanical issues are no big deal to me. I am hoping to get a car with no rust issues, especially in the sub-frame. If you have pics, please send them to jonathan d hart at hotmail dot com. One question, does it have a sunroof? Not a deal breaker if not, just curious. The price you are asking is very fair. I have been watching this board for just over 8 years now and I appreciate just what this car is. Provided it does not have rust issues, consider it sold!






  3. Hello,


    I am looking for an EA82 wagon with a clean body to keep and drive forever. My plan is to do the EJ22 swap at some point and keep it looking and running good for the rest of my days. These wagons have been very good to me over the last 10 years and I am quite in love with them.


    92 rugby subie mentioned you might have a clean gl-10 that has already been through the EJ swap. Is this car something you would sell? How much would you want for it?


    Many thanks!

  4. Sent you an email about those parts, also included my phone number. That's the best way to reach me. Many thanks!

  5. I have a 1992 loyale that also suffered from "mysterious" coolant lose. The original owner sold it to me dirt cheap because someone told him it was the common subaru head gasket failure problem. It compression tested great, ran strong and seemed fine except needing coolant top-offs on a reguilar basis. Turns out the problem was a very small leak in one of the little coolant bypass hoses in the back of the engine. It was leaking so slowly that it evaporated right there on top of the engine instead of leaking onto the ground. A coupel dollars worth of hose and some new clamps fixed the problem. That was 22,000 miles ago and no further coolant has been lost. I hope you are as lucky as I was. It's worth checking, at least!
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