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Everything posted by DeathHatch

  1. when i get my subie done i will post some pics of me parking on something or someones tires....soon....soon...
  2. i would have to say the driver and the hatchs. smaller wheel base so on and so forth. and it also depends on what kind of offroading your doing.. mud bogging/ rock crawling.
  3. we havent really had any problems with my lift. and were using toyota axles. the only thing were having problems with is the steering and just have to put spacers in the back so tire doesnt hit the gas tank/ line.
  4. nice that looks awesome. if you could get some pics of the wheelies that would be sweet.
  5. hey i have toy. axles put under my subie with a nissan t case. i would go with the toy their much stonger. that way you could put big tires on it
  6. standard lift huh. well that looks like my hatch will be fine then.
  7. ermmm utah so far away ... dont know if i could make it. would be fun tho
  8. its really not that hard. the rear is the easiest. all you have to do is just take every thing off and build something to mount the leafs to. you could either build a whole complete subframe like mtsfabman did or you could just use what you have and prolly build some shackles that would work. other than that its pretty much not that hard just time consuming. And im almost done with mine and when im done ill be posting pics and you could see how i did it to my hatch... oh btw its looking pretty sweet.
  9. hey i am doing some what of what ur wanting to do on ur hatch. and so far it has been pretty simple exept for the power steering parts... and i would suggest you doing the straight axle it just makes every thing so much easier
  10. i have done this and it didnt do any damage. its pretty much just 3 wheel drive. you should be fine with it to go wheelin if ur lazy and dont want to put it on
  11. i just went up their andfound some awesome 4x trails. my car will be done in about a week or so. and it might snow by the sounds of it
  12. i would be more than intersted going to tehuya. i go there all the time with my dirt bike. as soon as my car is done ( which sould be soon) then i would be up for it. too bad u cant go jared i would like to show off my car...if finished thats why pics are always good
  13. nice vids. makes me want to go wheeling keep em commin
  14. damn thnk god for roll cages...sweet vid tho
  15. wow must be nice to have all the tools to do this kind of stuff. well good job wagon looks great. when u gunna get some wheeling pics
  16. Nice. I wouldnt mind having one of those. looks really fun ... untill you crash into someone or something
  17. DeathHatch

    Fuel Cell Q's

    nice brat.. big rock.. did u let it go back down or is that the fuel cell starving the engine causing you to go down..?
  18. DeathHatch

    Fuel Cell Q's

    thnks for the link. do u have a roll bar.. if you do i guess you could put it underneath that and put like um a spare tire on the roll bar to conceal it a little bit
  19. DeathHatch

    Fuel Cell Q's

    just about how much would one of these fuel cells cost..? and what type of fuel cell would you need for the subie..?
  20. DeathHatch

    lift qs

    thnks john. my friend will be happy when i tell him what he needs. thnks again
  21. DeathHatch

    lift qs

    How much would it cost in metal for about an 8 in lift. what would you need. does any one have 8 in blocks already that knows this or ne one that could make them for me who lives in WA? thnks
  22. ah man i cant wait till it snows this year.. lots of fun sliding sideways
  23. hey i would be up for a summer wheeling sesh. thats when my car will be done as well.
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