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Everything posted by Dirk

  1. Sweet! Thank you guys. Bill, is there a goog reason why I should not just coninue the pipes to the back after the glasspacks? Side exhausts sound cool but I'm not really into that kind of thing. Cheers Dirk.
  2. The story so far as I understand it. Circuits: Idle circuit Primary and secondary main circuits Power valve circuit Accelerator pump circuit Idle circuit. The idle circuit by passes the barrels and feeds directly into the intake manifold. This circuit can be fine tuned at idle with the idle mixture screw. This circuit works best at idle but is always active. Primary and secondary main cuircuits are only active when their respective throttle valves are open. The more the open the more fuel and air is drawn in. The power valve is only active when there is low vacum in the MANIFOLD. Not to be confused with the vacum advance which gets its high vacum from inside the primary barrel. The least amount of vacum at this point is when both throttle valves are fully open. This valve bypasses the primary main jet and feeds to the primary main nozzle. As far as I can see it does not feed to the secondary nozzle. The accelerator pump is mechanically operated. It works best when the pedal is quickly pushed to the floor as it adds an extra squirt of fuel into the primary barrel to compensate for the sudden rush of air.
  3. If Wikipedia is to be believed then max horse power (67bhp) is at 5200rpm. (68bhp at 4800rpm for later models) But I'm not sure what this means. Presumably max rpm would be higher than this?
  4. Thats not far from the truth for me too. About 50mph in second, 65mph in Third and 80mph in fourth. Does this sound about right?
  5. She's Not My Queen! New Zealand and Oz are not owned by the UK. They used to be colonies of the "British Empire" many moons ago but the British government relinquished their rule over them along with all the many other colonies around the world. The "Common Wealth" of Nations was established by the UK but membership is voluntary. It happens to include many of the old British colonies plus a fair few other countries including Canada I believe. Not sure if Iceland is part of it but it is part of Europe and a member of the EU. Iceland has a President just like the USA have.
  6. Four barrels! What engine is that going on? Iv'e been reading up some more and fiddling some more too. I upped the primary slow jet quite a few sizes which has made a good difference too. For the first time since I've had the car the idle mixture screw actually works the way it is supposed to. With the changes now made I can feel a deffinate power curve that was not so obvious before. In forth gear the power comes on between 55 and 70mph. Actually in fouth gear I can happy get up to 80mph but I have no idea what rpm im doing so I don't want to push it too much. From what I understand the primary idle jet is most effective between 1/8 and 1/4 throttle but I guess it is always active. What purpose does the secondary idle jet have?
  7. I think what 98obster means is that the choke is not working. I assume its an automatic choke?
  8. Oakie dokie. So if it were me, the first thing I would check is the codition of the vacum hoses. Make sure there are no leaks. Next I would dirrect my attention to the carb jets. I had a very similar condition to yours not so long ago. Turned out to be some crap in the idle jet. For me the problem was only rough idling so that is where I looked. Tell us more about the problem. Does it only idle rough or does the symptom appear at acceleration/light use/full throttle etc? This should give us an idea about where to look. And Yes it could also be a clogged fuel filter. Cheers Dirk
  9. Does anyone have a basic spec for an exhaust upgrade for an early EA71? I am interested in Performance, NOT sound. Infact I would prefer to have subtle sound if possible. I should be able to do the fab work myself as long as I know what muffler to use and what size pipe. I'm still running on a stock carb but hope to upgrade to a webber some time soon if that is relevant. Cheers. Dirk.
  10. I have no Tach in my car so I can't really tell when I'm reaching the red line. I wonder I anyone can tell me how fast I dare do in each gear? 1979 EA71 with 5speed manual. No mods. Cheers. Dirk.
  11. Been tinkering in the garage and have made myself a nifty little tool that allows me to replace main jets without having to remove the whole carb! I replced the secondary main jet #143 with #147. So far the results are good. I deffinately have more high end power. The acceleration seems to be smoother and more progressive too although I feel I may have lost a little low end power but not much. This I can live with. Previously I have had this jet installed but also with a larger primary main. This setup was not successful since I had a drop in power across the board and could see tell tale signs of unburned fuel in my rear view mirror. I am much happier now with just the larger secondary. Can't wait to test top speed. Unfortunately its blowing a hooly out there and is not pleasant driving. 50-60 knot cross winds on my favourite test road. The car origionally had a four speed transmission but now has five speed. I wonder if this has been a factor in choosing jet sizes.
  12. Last time I went to Switzerland they even had ash trays in the bank! Amazingly there was no sign of any cigarette stubs or any trash on the streets. Very clean. Just a lot of ashtrays outside shops and trash bins. Two years ago my wife and I went to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Our first lunch in a restuarant was so wierd. Everyone was smoking inside still. We felt so naughty lighting up after eating. But it was good:D Sadly today even the mighty city of Amsterdam adopts the no public smoking rule. I'm sure they still have pot cafe's so I'm not sure how that works. Maybe because its not tobacco.
  13. Ill give it a go and let you know the result. Cheers Dirk.
  14. I think Kristjan will tell you that life is not cheap there but the average wage is a lot better too. Better hone up your fishing skills bro, Its a major industry there. Glad to hear I'm not the last smoker in this world too. Although it feels like it sometimes. Can't even smoke in my own damn house anymore!
  15. Could be that a brake pad has partially broken. Or perhaps you have a slight buckle in your disc. Though I understand that it takes a fair amount of heat to do this. Have the brakes had a particularly hard work out lately? Been up and down any mountains?
  16. This make sense to me since the power valve does not opperate at idle. However, how is it then that my vacum advance works harder at higher rpm? Is there more than one vacum system working in the carb? By the way, it seems that we differ on opinion about how to spell vacum(e) Oddly enough I just tried to spell check it on MS Word and it corrected me with VACUUM! I had a look on Google and all three versions are being employed in about equal quantities. P.s. I am toying with the idea of increasing the size of the secondary main jet by 4 numbers (just happen to have that size in the garage). It doesn't take much effort to do so I may as well have a little experiment. Any ideas on what might happen?
  17. Awsome! Thanks Doug. Just pulled out the power valve and gave it a good hit with the air line. It would appear to be clean but as you say it is a tiny hole. Will do the kit thing and replace the fuel filter as well. Cheers. Dirk.
  18. Sweet, Thanks Doug. I'm looking at the donor carb at the moment and can now see what is going on. I always wondered how that valve worked and never really took much notice of the spring mechanism above it. So this could indeed be and issue. Also the age and condition of the carb means it is leaking air from most places so I guess the vacum is a little less than it should be. edit: What am I saying?! Less vacum equals more power valve.! Again I am drawing to the conclusion that I should at the very least, buy a new rebuild kit. Many thanks for the help. Dirk P.s. Still fiddling with the timing but have not found a deffinate sweet spot yet.
  19. Cheers. but i'm still confused. If I have my foot on the floor and im doing highway speed in 5th gear what is happening then? Surely under these conditions there would be plenty of vacum? Or not?
  20. Thanks fellas. Valve clearances are as per manual specs. I haven't purchased a rebuild kit for the carb. Iv'e been rebuilding it with donor parts from other secondhand carbs. I have been playing around with all the jets and valves to work out the best combo. Currently the main jets are one and three numbers larger than the orgionals repectively. Plus a slightly larger power valve (I think its clean) and idle jet. I think I know whats coming here. Buy a re build kit! That or a Weber. Primary main jet. origional: #97 new: #98 Secondary main jet origional: #140 new: #143 Despite the larger jets, the sparkplugs are still squeeky clean and my exhaust gasses are clear. Does the power valve operate at high speed without acceleration?
  21. Dude! Your photography is spectacular! You are very talented.
  22. There is something bothering me about the coil with the resistor. As far as I know, a resisted coil is normaly only used with a breaker points type distibutor. I think the coil used for an electronic ignition is not the same type and does not use a resistor. Can anyone else verify this?
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