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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. Automatic, 185K. Loud knocking sound from the rear especially when I let off the gas but will do it a little under power. Especially bad on our terrible corduroy roads. One shop says it's the rear struts and wants $600 to replace. Searched some on the net and think it might just be the top mounting plate for the strut(s). Saw a video by "Eric the carguy" that made me think it might be something simple. I can actually feel the knocking when it's really bad. Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated !
  2. '03 Impreza Outback,automatic, 2.2L, 182K miles. Recent purchase...maybe 400 miles. Advance Auto computer says something like "emission control not at full efficiency." Young man who tested says try some fuel treatment and light may go off.I had a bottle of Techron on hand so put it in today. Is is likely that his..or Lucas, or Seafoam might actually "fix" the problem ? With 182K I'm pretty skeptical and thinkinh maybe big bucks...cat converter may be toast ? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated !
  3. Thanks to everyone for the reponses. I''ll probably leave well enough alone.
  4. Just bought an '03 Impreza Outback Ts, 2.5 automatic. Had a '97 impreza previously.Owner had rigged up a swtich to go from AWD to FWD though the AWD fuse to improve fuel mileage. I put 80+K miles on it in FWD and maybe 2K in AWD. Encountered no problems. Thought I'd ask for thoughts concerning this mod prior to doing it.Local well respected transmission shop owner said no problem. Thanks for any input !
  5. Thanks for the insight Fairfax...sounds very reasonable to me and worth a shot. Hopefully it's not $350.00 ...
  6. 1997 Impreza, 2.2, automatic: Sporadically will crank but not start. Put accelerator to the floor and it will start. Erratic idle speed at times. Will feel like it's on cruise control with tach at 1500-2000 and foot off accelerator. Local shop cleaned throttle body and IACV with Seafoam. No improvement at all. Runs fine on highway. Diagnosis ? IACV ? Buy new (expensive...$350 ????) or used ? Where to buy ? What else needs to be considered first ? Is IACV "likely" the problem ? almost surely ? Thanks ofr any help/suggestions !!!
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