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    Susquehanna County

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  1. Have you owned the car since it was new? Is there a possibility it was previously involved in an accident that may have somehow affected the control device that sets off the air bags? Have you ever had any dashboard warning lights come on regarding the SRS system? Knowing the answers to such questions would be helpful to you in determining the reasonableness of your various options. Bill
  2. Trouble Code P0120 is the code for a problem with the throttle position sensor. I believe that sensor on the '96 is located on the side of the throttle body. It's a fairly simple device to replace. I think you should be able to purchase one for about $60. Recommend you start by making sure its wiring harness has not come loose. If it's properly connected there is probably a good chance with that code that the sensor is bad and should be replaced. I believe a failed throttle sensor puts the car in "limp home mode" which would be consistent with the symptoms you are describing. Good luck. Bill
  3. I recommed you get access to a Haynes manual or other appropriate guide and learn how to check the clutch cable adjustment. If you are lucky, that could be your problem. Bill
  4. I had the same connector problem with a '96 OB. My conclusion was that the last time I had replaced the bulb one of the prongs slid in adjacent to, but not into, the corresponding slot of the connector. This led to arcing and ultimately a fried socket. I went the junk yard route and got a "new" connector with about six inch leads which I soldered into place. Worked just fine. Bill
  5. There is one other difference between push start and key start: the position of the ignition switch (run versus start). Is it possible that is a temperature sensitive intermittant loss of contact happening at the ignition switch that is causing this? Bill
  6. FWIW: I had a bad experience using aftermarket wires on a '96 OB which disappeared as soon as I replaced them with OEM. The only non OEM wires I now use are Magnecors. Bill
  7. "hmm... your not supposed to gap the platinum plugs." I don't believe that's true for all platimum plugs. The most recent set of Bosch platinums I purchased included instructions on setting the gap..... Bill
  8. Although it can be caused by bad converters, I believe code P0420 is often the result of degraded O2 sensor(s). Replacing the sensors it not a major undertaking (although doing both will run about $250 for parts, and ? for labor). Our local dealership claims the sensors are not covered under the emissions warranty. Bill
  9. I've had the Fumoto valve on three Subarus, three Volvos and a Toyota and its made oil changes much quicker & cleaner. The first thing I do when I get a new car is buy one. The actuation of the valve requires two movements and accidental activation would be extremely difficult to cause. Bill
  10. I'll rely on Setright to explain why, but I have adjusted three Subaru's with slipping clutches due to the cable and all three of them started their slipping in high gear. In at least two of those cases the clutches are still doing fine more than 50,000 miles later (and after more than 150,000 miles total). Bill
  11. Powederhound, I believe with a 98 legacy 2.2L you have mechanical linkage for your clutch. I think the best first step for you, after melting off any ice/snow restrictions,would be to confirm the clutch cable is properly adjusted. Slipping can easy occur, particularly in higher gears, when the cable is out of adjustment. Many dealers/repair shops ignore this possibility and immediately suggest replacing the clutch. You might bet many more miles out of your clutch if it only needs a cable adjustment. Bill
  12. Assuming the 2000 Outback clutch is similar to the '96 clutch I would recommend that you have the adjustment of the clutch cable checked before going to the expense of a new clutch if the only symptom is slipping. Two years ago my sister was told by a dealer that she needed a new clutch at about 125,000 miles because her's was slipping. An adjustment of the cable, however, ended the slipping and she's been driving it for these past two years on the original clutch with no problems. Bill
  13. State, Are you sure you have two O2 sensors? I thought cars generally started getting equipped with two sensors for the 1996 model year and the introduction of OBDII systems. Bill
  14. It's also possible that the clutch cable needs adjustment. My sister's '96 OB had similar symptoms a couple years ago & I adjusted her cable and it's been operating fine ever since. Bill
  15. I hope questions about brake fluid are within the scope of this thread. I had never heard of DOT 5.1 brake fluid until I was surfing for sources for Castrol LMA brake fluid. Apparently 5.1 is NOT a silicone fluid, but is a full synthetic with favorable characteristics and fully compatible with with Dot 3 & $. Anybody had any experince with this stuff?
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