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Everything posted by bigwildcarp

  1. I picked up a CTS out of a Junkyard and put it in this morning. Still no Change. While cranking the engine today right as I let off the key it sounded like it fired on a single cylinder. Anybody have any other ideas?
  2. I pulled a spark plug, grounded it out and have spark. Im just at a loss on where to go next. I checked the timing belts they dont look like theyve skipped a tooth at all.
  3. Car ran fine all day. Turned off car for an hour or so and tried to restart. Idled fine but then started to bog down when trying to accelerate. Now car won't start/idle. Checked fuel pump, spark, timing belts, fuses and those all functioned properly. Up until now I had a 85 GL with a Weber and am new to SPFI. Thoughts or input? Thanks! Edit. Got up this morning connected the white plugs under the hood and pulled 2 codes. 14 and 21. So I popped the intake boot off and can still see the injector cycling fuel into the throttle body.
  4. Hello! I Just picked up a new 89 loyale, 5sp dr. When I go to back out of a parking spot after it has sat for while I get nothing from the reverse gear. The shifter falls into the pocket like normal, but when you let out the clutch you get no movement, you can also roll the car around at this point like the vehicle is in neutral. Once you've driven the car around for a few minutes, reverse will start to work like normal. I do live in Alaska, and since I have bought the car it has been in the single digits. My only though is it could be a gear oil issue. Thanks Carp
  5. I just got out of my 85 Carb'd wagon and noticed a substantial pool of oil dripping from the motor. Popped the hood and found that it was coming from the air filter box, when i pulled the three wing nuts and got the top off I found a pretty big puddle of oil in there and got right to cleaning it out. I had to leave the car for a couple of days because Im headed out of town but im sitting here in front of my laptop pondering whats the problem. Does anyone have any input? Thanks -Carp
  6. So I have an 85 Gl wagon with a carb ea82 and im pissing green. I bought it in Idaho a little over a month ago and pulled the motor and put regasketed and sealed it. Everything from the headgaskets out, intake, rear and front main, water pump, oil pump seals and a new thermostat. So after re torquing the head gaskets and getting coolant into her upon startup I noticed a coolant leak coming off the passengers side head, i tracked it down to the intake manifold leaking coolant so i let it cool down put a bit more torque on the bolts and it went away. Jump forward a trip up the alcan and a few weeks of around town driving. Its doing it again! same side, same frickin leak, so last night I ran out and got some fel-pro intake manifold gaskets, pulled the intake, cleaned everything real good put them in and this morning its still leaking. Its got to be a little sucker because once its warmed up it seems so shut itself off. Here's what I think could be going on. When i pulled the intake the first time, the leaking sides bolts were corroded and the threads were pretty rough. So I chased them the best I could with a bolt I had, threw some anti-seize on them and put them back in. Maybe the bolts are bottoming out on some corrosion that has fallen into the bottom of the bolt hole and I could put some washers on the heads? I could also go buy a tap and chase everything. What color of RTV is the best for coolant? thanks
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