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Everything posted by spazomatic

  1. Heres mine again, with the baja in the background. I love my Subarus!
  2. I bet your 130 is pretty close to correct, but that secondary jet is likely too big. If you stick your foot in it a lot, that could definitely contribute to lousy mileage (the secondary bein too big) Given it a tuneup lately? 17mpg is horrible!
  3. I think that would mostly depend on your elevation...im at 8000 ft, and so my jets are fairly small (120 primary, 125 secondary) Whats it got in it now?
  4. Well alright, looks like im talkin to myself again. Im toying with the idea of picking up a boneyard 2.2 and tossin' it in there with the new (to me) trans. And to simplify the part i hate and dread, id put in an order at retroroo (shawn) for a harness. Having a bit of trouble selling my better half/accountant/wife on the idea....go figure. If i can find a screamin deal, thats the route i plan on taking. Id totally keep the EA1.8 around though. Put some cams in it, port the heads, and use it to power a tube buggy for my boy (well...for me, but id let the boy drive it) Hes only 2, so i have time to put it together yet.
  5. So it finally happened. I knew my old 4speed was gonna crap out sooner or later, since when i last serviced it, 3 metal pieces came out (part of a synchro mechanism, i think) and it would grind horribly shifting into 3rd. Coming home the other night at 1:30am, it was resisting being pulled out of 3rd, and finally it stuck in there for good. I was rounding a switchback with an ascent, and i lost all momentum trying to pull it down in to 2nd, and so i was stuck. Luckily, only about 3/4 of a mile from home. Unluckily, it was -24F outside, aand i forgot my hat! D'oh! I picked up a high/low 5 speed a while back, and so now i get to wrangle it in there. Not a huge deal, I figure ill take motor and trans out together...figure out my shift linkages and little bit o' wiring while its out. New clutch, etc etc. its gonna be a while though, im in no hurry really and its still too much like winter out (doing this all outdoors) and i have other cars to drive. Anybody wanna throw me their $.02 on what else i should address (mostly original, with 240k miles) or helpful hints on the 5 speed swap?
  6. I was thinking that too. My 1st to 2nd, and 2nd to 3rd shifts are between 4k-5k RPMs, 3rd to 4th depends on what speed I wanna cruise at. Ill disagree about just mashing the pedal though. Webers are "too big" for our application anyways, and being a mechanical secondary carb, its best to progressively open it up as the engine needs it.
  7. I think easy and cheap, and what i plan on doing...is using a d/r 5 speed.
  8. I kinda like it. Id like it better if it were baja'd...
  9. The bracket for the AC idle control, that is on your old carb, can be modified to work with the weber, and that adapter youre using. Its a bit of a pain, and trial and error. Ill try to remember to get some pics of mine
  10. Murphys law loves to strike when time and money are an issue...so ya hafta attempt to cut off all of murphys access to your project. So, If what you have now is still running ok, id wait until you have collected all of the pieces you'll need before you tear it down.
  11. Theyve both been mangled and hammered back. Actually, the whole car is bent...had a "fell asleep at 50mph dukes of hazzard moment" a few years back. Hit a ditch, launched off of a driveway culvert...airborn for 28 feet! Still handles fine, so whatever.
  12. I ask about holes or weatherstrip, cuz as air gets pulled out the windows, its drawing fumes in from somewhere else
  13. If its only with the windows down, then i think its coming solely from the exhaust pipe. With the windows down, it creates a negative air pressure within the cab, and then the fumes get drawn in from the back of the vehicle. My GL is kinda bad about fumes, and its especially noticeable going down a dusty road. Keep the windows up and the heater fan on, and the dust and fumes stay out. Do you have any rust holes, or just crappy weatherstripping?
  14. Cool little car ya got there! Lots of potential. Got many plans for it?
  15. I dont know if id mentioned that I put some 205x75-14 Hankook Ipikes on my 84....so here's me mentioning it! Love those things! And today was a gorgeous day, so i finally got around to replacing the right rear wheel bearing that has been making a racket for a while. Wasnt too tough... So then wrapping it up, i decided to take some poseur driveway shots
  16. Sounds like you got crappy axles, and the shop is going with a strategy of getting you to spend more money...
  17. On mine, even with the hitachi return line installed, i had too much fuel pressure and had to install a regulator to keep it from constantly flooding at idle.
  18. My 84 wagon has its original 1.8, all tuned up, timing advanced as it can be without any pinging, a weber, and it does okay. Its no speed demon, by any means but its tolerable. And my average MPG is always between 24 and 26. Those BFGs size for size, are about the heaviest tires around, so that doesnt help. And of course being larger than stock, the engine has less leverage with which to move the car along. I had 195x75-14s BFG ATs on mine, and each gear is definitely "longer" than it was when it was still stock. Now i have 205x75-14 hankook I-pikes on it, and its even worse. But even with that, on level ground and no wind, I can get it to 80 on the speedo (90 or so after correcting for the speedo being off) Throw in a windy day, or a steady incline and im stuck in the slow lane doing 60 (or less, depending on the hill). Being a mechanical secondary carb, keeping it floored when its not spinning high RPMs is actually hurting your performance. It simply gets too much air compared to what the engine can use. The rule of thumb i gave my wife to use is; if the RPMs are between 2k and 3k, use 2/3rds throttle. Between 3k and 4k, use 3/4 throttle. Kinda like that. Its imprecise, but gets you close to the ballpark.
  19. I can see the need for one for the fuel tank. Ive drug mine over all kinds of crap and its been okay so far. I think ill start collecting street signs...
  20. And that is why, the first time i had a hose failure, i replaced each and every one of 'em. If one fails due to age, the rest are just waiting to fail. As far as all the vacuum doodads go, im no help. Do a weber swap and i can be more useful.
  21. Only on my '84 did i trim. 3" from the entire circumference of the front, and 1.5 out of the rear mostly, with a little more than that towards the bottoms. My wife wont let me touch her Baja with cutting tools.....even though it makes perfect sense to cut, since its the shape of the fender opening that prohibits a larger tire from fitting
  22. I have no idea where and how "rump roasty" popped up in my post. I typed the shorthand for "assembly", and when editing, it appears like i want, but when posted, it comes out like cooking instructions. It looks like it just doesnt like shorthand for assembly. ie- rump roast'y. Hahaha
  23. I got a new one at Autozone, and the only problem i had was that a tiny bit of cable was protruding past the end f the "barrel" that hooked on to the pedal rump roast'y. Trimmed it off and it works fine. And i bought an extra to keep in the parts/tool warehouse that the cargo area has become.
  24. Drove it out to shoot pool....slid around the snow, picked up a nail, changed the tire. Got home, threw a block of wood in the back cuz my scissor jack is now too short for my setup.
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