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About Tapil

  • Birthday 08/28/1988

Profile Information

  • Location
    West Point
  • Vehicles
    98 Sue-Baroo! Legacy

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Member (2/11)



  1. Have you tried having your tires balanced? or having the one tire you think is causing the problems balanced? You should always keep you tires in balance to avoid it warping the rotors from the wobbles
  2. This tut tells me to run the negative all the way to th negative on my 2nd battery that sounds like a voltage drop to me If someone really wants to steal $160 worth of walmart audio.... and smashing my windows wont do them any good as there is no way into the trunk from the cab Maybe ill just relocate my battery then? Im getting a few mixed feelings based on every person I ask if im doing this right. For relocation i would just hack off the ends and splice to a new positive cable and run the positive all the way back to the boot then ground the battery back there I would also ground the now hanging negative wire under the hood so its not just hanging down or nothing
  3. I have a pretty powerful system in the back 1500W total, not overkill but enough to make even a run to mcdonalds and back fun for everyone Anyways... I want to start using my 500W amp to power the front speakers in my car. But I thought the idea of having a 2nd battery was cool, so i bought the cables and terminals and blah blah - anyways take a look at my set up plans and tell me if you think im doing something wrong (ive never done such a thing before) 0G thick copper wire 30 fuse with in 12 inches of 2nd battery and of course a stable ground/earth wire (duh) Main battery Positive [connected to] Rear Battery Positive. Rear Battery grounded to chas in the back Rear Battery 30Fuse inline fuse placed within 10 inches of rear battery positive Is that right? the front battery will charge the rear and the alternator will recharge the front. Would this put more stress on my alternator? Or would this put less stress on it due to there being more storable power? Or would my alternator feel unchanged so long as both batteries are of good condition? ~thanks for reading Id run a split charge but I read people having severe problems with that and such...
  4. I ended up buying a 97 subaru today, was on the way to the dealer to buy a new 2010 subaru from cassey. but the pirates went 4grand OVER STICKER and would not come down! wtf? Disappointed, I took a long way home and saw a subaru for sale at some rinky dink mom and pop dealership, and it was in great condition! Was alot faster than I expected too! Anyways, does anyone know why this subaru is called "brighton"? what makes it so special? or is it just a name? (( Is it because this subaru has no tach! ? ))
  5. Thanks guys You rock! its no more than 10 lbs heavier, which most likely means the performance/center of gravity is in the same ball park as the 4door
  6. So hell bent on buying one of these models... Anyways found a great deal on a new 2011 impreza 5 door Though i cannot find the curb weight of this thing! Can anyone find me the specs of the 5 door 2011 impreza AND the 4 door? I went to subaru.com and used "compare models" but it says they are the same length and the same weight (Which sounds incorrect to me) All I am concerned with is Weight and Length Thanks!
  7. Sorry if this is out of place, but i read the stickies and this seemed to be the best place I could see... So late April I will be buying ether a Impreza OR a WRX, now from what I understand about the impreza and WRX is they are basicly the same car {Overlooking the turbo and the suspension...} Does that mean I can just buy a forced induction and add to the much cheaper (insurance wise/price wise) Impreza base model and have, for the most part, a WRX? Or at least something able to run within a few car spaces near the WRX? Or do you think the 3+Grand id waste on Forced induction would be better spent on the WRX its self? Or have I gone off the deep end here? *Thanks for reading *
  8. at 1st i thought you were outta your mind when you mentioned a cup holder But ever since i bought the car there was this strange gray button that said "push" on it, i figured it was something that went with what the previous owner removed. ANYWAYS i got angry at the damn japan dash i had and took my anger out on the "push" bar and out popped my cup holder! and the 2 screws that were holding me back Thanks so much!
  9. Im trying to install an aftermarket head unit, but this dash dose not seem to pop off with a puddy knife like my last few cars. I can see this current unit in the car is already a pos aftermarket head unit and it already has a dash kit in there so it should be easier to get off? any helpful comments would be welcomed
  10. My cars engine is approaching its last leg, its at over 200k and i just feel like its time to improve (rather than fix it up and turbo it) Id rather move on to anther engine already turbo'd or supercharged (if possible) What i have is a Legacy 2.5 GT 1998 Thanks guys!
  11. wow ive never dragged the underside of my car across gravel? before xD thats one for the book BUT i have straight up DESTROYED a possem with the center of my bumper! i felt a moment of silence for what i thought was the end of my bumper, so i pulled over and checked.... NOTHING! Now i said a quick prayer for the poor possum and headed on my way This was a pretty cool thread maybe you should start one like "What has your subbie survied?"
  12. Reminds me of an Audi A3 http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=audi%20a3&aql=&oq=&si=7495&p_s_ha=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi Which is also AWD and the manual version is rare in the us
  13. All that dirt, RWD and no donuts?! Go to a church right now and confess to a father for you have sinned
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