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Everything posted by jbm579

  1. I had posted this recently in another members post and to bring it upfront I thought I would give it its very own posting. I am having a similar issue with my 1991 Loyale-recently we installed a new starter and the car still wouldn't start, so then we noticed that the black fusible link was broken and luckily we had access to a replacement and switched that out. In March of this year I installed a new ignition switch believing this was the problem. After switching out the black link--The car then started perfectly, I ran it for about a week or so perhaps maybe 100 miles, and yesterday I went to start it and it won't turn over. I have all of the dash lights come on, and hear the clicking of the fuel pump relay, however the car fails to start. We have gone around and around with these issues for almost a year now, the car has low miles about 80,000, yet the age seems to be its downfall. So far the car has a new battery, a new alternator, a replaced starter (however not new), a replaced fusible link (black), a new ignition switch, new battery cables, you name it-the part is probably relatively new. Occasionally the car can be started by inserting a long screwdriver down into the gears of the flywheel and rotate the gear clockwise a notch or two and it seems the car tends to start right up. (however this isn't consistent nor is it practical for me to have to rig in order to drive and feel secure the car will start every time I shut the car down) Where should we proceed next? I rely on the car for winter driving and would like to know this issue has been corrected by the first snowfall. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. PS: I am sorry I had nothing to add to your post-it seems we are experiencing similar issues/malfunctions with our Subaru's.
  3. I am having a similar issue with my 1991 Loyale-recently we installed a new starter and the car still wouldn't start, so then we noticed that the black fusible link was broken and luckily we had access to a replacement and switched that out. In March of this year I installed a new ignition switch believing this was the problem. After switching out the black link--The car then started perfectly, I ran it for about a week or so perhaps maybe 100 miles, and yesterday I went to start it and it won't turn over. I have all of the dash lights come on, and hear the clicking of the fuel pump relay, however the car fails to start. We have gone around and around with these issues for almost a year now, the car has low miles about 80,000, yet the age seems to be its downfall. So far the car has a new battery, a new alternator, a replaced starter (however not new), a replaced fusible link (black), a new ignition switch, new battery cables, you name it-the part is probably relatively new. Occasionally the car can be started by inserting a long screwdriver down into the gears of the flywheel and rotate the gear clockwise a notch or two and it seems the car tends to start right up. (however this isn't consistent nor is it practical for me to have to rig in order to drive and feel secure the car will start every time I shut the car down) Where should we proceed next? I rely on the car for winter driving and would like to know this issue has been corrected by the first snowfall. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello, I have a 1991 Loyale 4x4 automatic wagon with only 80,000 original miles. I drive the car regularly under 40 miles a day( all highway), and lately the car has been giving me some troubles after years of no problems. Sometimes I get in the car and turn the key and I have no electical contact-the car is totally dead. (like there isn't a battery) However, other times the car will have power to light the warning lights , but it will just click and not turn over. So far my dad who is my (personal mechanic) he has replaced one of the ground wires as we thought this might be causing the issues and for a week afterward we had no problems, and then the electrical gremlins came back. Except now this time, the voltmeter was spiking at 18 Volts and the idle would go erratic over 2,000 rpms for idle unable to kick back down--(I thought I had a Toyota acceleration issue on a Subaru!!) My dad took off the alternator and is replacing it with a new one (it was warrantied) however I am not sure if that was the sole problem. My dad also was thinking maybe the battery cables were an issue so he is planning on replacing them. My main question is could there possibly be some other elctrical problem that is being overlooked. I just hate to drive the car somewhere not knowing if it is going to start the next time I try. I was wondering if anyone had any similar troubles and what worked for you? If this has been discussed previously-please direct me to the forum search criteria. I would be happy to research this further if someone can lead me in the general direction. Thank You in advance
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