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Everything posted by Suba9792

  1. EJ20 twin turbo....does that even exist? if it does I havent heard of it. Coil pack is on the manifold right in front of your face when you pop the hood, big black thing with 2 wires on each side....
  2. there was another Legacy L wagon with like 98k on it that my wife is begging me to go look at, so yep we are going in the mourning.
  3. So I came across this on autotrader.com, zip 97055, it apparently has only 50k on the OD, my first thought! some ********************* towed it behind an RV. But who knows. they want 8k for it, to me somthing is fishy
  4. How many miles? and have the headgaskets been done previously? even if the carbon test is ok, and the head gaskets havent been done yet, it will need them no matter what, I have yet to see a 2.5 make it past 200k without a gasket issue, but there are probably some out there.
  5. Call me odd but I tend to write things down, appointments ETC, well This sound from the car started after the nights here in Sandy dropped down to the low 40s, The sound was never present during the summer, my theory! air temp,humidity and gas, why do I think the gas, well I always go to cheveron and fill up with regular, I was told by a buddy of mine that they are adding ethanol (large amounts) to the fuels this fall and winter, I asked the guy at the station and he said yeah about 10% of a full tank is ethanol, hence the reason why I get 5mpg less than in summer, any way, the difference in the fuel(I filled up with premium and the sound slowly was gone) temp(due to season) and humidity are all playing tricks to my poor EJ22.
  6. I'm hoping its nothing to serious, I'd rather do a clutch and bearings then a whole engine.
  7. well after using a 12" piece of wooden dowel I traced the culprit:-\ its coming from the passenger cylinder bank:eek: its pretty evident now that its a rod, not the tranny my first diagnosis was very amateur. I blame it on Chevron and their gas:lol:, I will still be bringing it to GD to look over, but odds are it would require a complete rebuild no money to do that.
  8. So as I have posted before, I'm getting this strange sound as if you are rolling your tongue while exhaling in 1st,2nd,3rd but it doesnt do it when I decelerate or when parked and in neutral, I can slightly rev it and nothing, once the clutch is engaged the I hear it faintly, but mainly while driving, the oil has always been changed(I'm crazy do it every 2k) castrol syntec, the clutch was done last march, and I doubt its a rod or bearing in the engine, because in my experience a rod or bearing would make a knock at any rpm under load or not. I was also told that since the last timing belt job @ a local subaru dealer they did the belt but I saw no charges for a new WP or tensioners ETC(have all the records), I know its hard to throw a rod in an EJ22 you would really have to ride it hard, just need some opinions on the deal, I tried to get a sound clip last night but low and behold I went to the car took off down the road(fully warmed) and nothing! the sound is usually there cold or hot:mad: I think its a pilot bearing,throwout bearing or possibly the fork. ideas please! GD is helping me with the timing and stuff this weekend, if it is a rod then I'll just return the parts I got and run it till it dies, but I dont think thats what it is.
  9. Let us hope that this now motor is not a repeat of the EA series, or Phase I-II EJ25, but something totally bad rump roast and less maintenance,.........wonder if it will have HG problems:lol:
  10. I dont think its a rod, Ive heard rod knocks and even in neutral you would hear them, I'm going with clutch fork or TOB, I hope, really dont want to rebuild the damn thing, or its just bad piston slap, see what a new oil change does.
  11. Well it mostly does it between 1st-3rd gear, but when I'm parked it doesnt seem to do it, just put it in neutral and gave it some gas and it didnt seem to make the noise, possible bad Trow out bearing sound?
  12. Just a side ?, I'm buying the kit from import experts, it comes with everything including the water pump(will get seals from the dealer) the pump is a GMB, and the blet is from PCI, I just cant afford a kit from the dealer, are these ok to use, I'm mean the price is right:lol:
  13. forgot to say its a 5spd, the sounds basically goes away once it warms up, my guess is the idlers and tensioner the belt is over due by 5k or so, so thats my first guess.
  14. So its a 97 Lego with a EJ22, when the car is cold it has a small rattle noise when you slightly press the accelerator but it goes away at a higher RPM, it seems to mainly do this when its colder outside, once it warms up to full temp it kinda of goes away, if you take your tongue and roll it I guess thats the sound I'm hearing, The t-belts and accessories are due to be changed and thankfully GD is helping me with this. I'm hopeing its not a rod or bearing, and just something to due with the timing tensioners or pulleys. I thought that a rod or bearing would make noise at any rpm even idle.
  15. 185,000 for an 04 seems like a lot to me, was it a dealer or private party, if either did they have any receipts for the work that has been done on the car? I would also car fax it.... I wouldn't buy an 04 with that many miles on it, I could see like 140 but that much! of course they could have just drove a lot of road trips or something.
  16. So I'm getting ready to buy new struts for my 97 Lego Brighton, they are shot, my question is can I get struts for the OB? and will they fit, I wasnt sure if the springs would be too short, crossmember etc, it is a 5spd.
  17. same prob with my 97 Lego, but my problem was I hit a pot hole at 40mph and my rockstar gushed on the dash, didnt think anything of it wiped it off. Then a week later my buttons where stuck except for 2 of them, so yeah I did the windex paper towel trick a few weeks ago and viola!
  18. if they left it outside with no trans pan, Id be asking for a new tranny, too much risk of getting grime inside it.
  19. .... have you had a balance and rotation lately? I really don't think it would be the u-joints you would hear it and! feel it at most speeds, my opinion, have a balance and rotation done, or new tires, alignment. And check the front axles for any heavy play, also check the rear drive shaft, as I haven't heard of those failing much I guess it wouldn't hurt. The one thing I have noticed owning these cars... balance rotation ON time is key to it riding well, it puts alot of strain on the AWD when you have a tire/wheel out of wack. Mine has ALOT of road noise, but that is because its a Lego Brighton sitting on 14's and my axles are starting to get bad, I have a bad tie rod end so alignments dont help..But what has is keeping them rotated for even wear, soon the work will be done.
  20. sweet, because I just cleaned mine for good measure, was a pain to separate from the intake though. My idle and acceleration improved as well.
  21. So my 97 would have a film type MAF then? would you clean it the same way? (sorry to hijack)
  22. thats good that its engaging correctly, BTW how many miles are on it, because from what I understand the problem tends to be between 70k-120k. Check all emission related parts, if I'm correct yours should have an EGR valve since its an AT, but I could be wrong, check that too.
  23. So my wife and I are now looking at a tribeca, hows the reliability on the motor? timing stuff(pretty sure its a chain) and head gaskets do they tend to fail?
  24. Look on here, there are tons of threads about the known tranny issue, I believe its 99-00 that they had the issue, and from my understanding you can temporarily fix it with a flush and the trans-X stuff. But odds are you will probably have to replace it, I'd go with one from a 97-98 should fit just fine. But yes it does have an issue and it is called Delayed engagement, there is a seal that doesn't hold up and fluid goes by it causing a lack of pressure when changing gears, which could be your problem. Sit in the car with the engine running(idle) put it in drive and count the sec before it engages into 1st gear, should be no more than 3-4 sec, if it takes more than 5 sec to engage then you do have the problem, did you get the car from a dealer? and how much did you pay and mileage? see if you can find anything out about what work has been done, to the tranny.
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