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Everything posted by Fubaru

  1. I do have what I believe is 4 bumper corners (2 small, 2 large). Front and rear maybe? email me and I'll send ya the pic. - boostin.20@gmail.com

  2. email me and I can send a pic of the fender. It is in great condition. I'd just like to have $25 + shipping. I paid $25 for it so I figure that's only fair. - boostin.20@gmail.com

  3. 97 impreza OBS 159k Last time I scanned it, I got - knock sensor, cyl 1 MF, cyl 2 MF, evap(0440). I installed a knock sensor, cleared the codes, and have driven about 150mi. No CEL so far and the car runs much smoother but I am still getting horrible fuel mileage. not just bad but like 12mpg BAD . Any ideas? THX.
  4. If you don't want to put the money into proper body work and paint, and aren't worried about the aesthetics of the quarters, there is a cheaper alternative that won't completely stop the rust but will majorly slow it down. You will need AUTOMOTIVE expanding foam (the home repair type draws moisture), 36grit sandpaper, "ONE STEP" rust converter (I don't trust the other brands), and asphault undercoat or a type of bedliner in a can. sand back past the blisters to expose all the accessible rust. knock off all the loose rust. Brush the one-step on all accessible rust and let dry. shoot just enough foam in the rust holes that is oozes back out. let the foam dry and trim it with a saw blade or box knife. spray the undercoat over all unpainted areas. DONE - ugly as sin two tone quarters that won't allow anymore moisture in. PS. If you are any good with fiberglass, you can skip the undercoat, fiberglass patch the holes, and have a body shop paint the panel. I don't ever advise spray paint due to it's lacking a catalyst and not actually creating a proper moisture barrier.
  5. Not that it will cure any carb probs you are having but I may have a GL badge for ya. I work the next couple days but I may have time to rummage in the garage a bit on sunday. If I can find one, I'll mail it to ya.
  6. Like I said, I didn't set the timing. I will tear it down again and check though. Maybe they did set the timing wrong. Thanks.
  7. I have searched the forum and can't find a direct answer. I would greatly appreciate being pointed to the correct thread or just an answer. A friend bought a 95 legacy A/T with a bad water pump. The car ran but the pump was squealing. We replaced the pump and had a tech set the timing and install the new belt. Now it will crank but won't start. We checked to make sure all grounds were undisturbed and it has gas. It has spark too but the spark at the coil is orange. All the fuses are good and the crank/cam sensors were not touched. I'm guessing it's something simple but I'm out of ideas.
  8. You should also crawl under the dash and check the mount bracket for the clutch pedal and the pin that holds the cable to the pedal. the brackets can wear out and collapse. The bracket collapsing can cause the pedal to hit the firewall without disengaging the clutch. The pins sometimes wear down causing excessive play in the pedal. I went through a lot of bs with my 85 hatch before discovering this. Just something to look at while you are messing with everything.
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