I appreciate the response. Frankly I hope it doesn't have one. Probably expensive to replace. I have been chasing a hesitation in the accelleration since I purchased the car. Two weeks ago I completed putting a short block from a wrecked car in it, as it lost a big chunk out of one of the valves on the #1 cylinder, and it burned alot of oil. It was a smoker. I also put remanufactured heads, and all new gaskets, thermostat, ect. Needless to say, the new motor did not fix the acceleration problem. 5 months ago I put a remanufactured carb on as well, with some improvement, but not it yet. In the last couple days I've taken the distributer appart, cleaned it, even polished the bearing races till now the vacume advance is nice and smooth. I can't detect any play in the shaft, though at idle the rpm does vary some. When accelerating, the power ok until about 1/2 throttle, then it hesitates until you get to 3/4 throttle, then it takes off. It won't hold at 60 mph without constantly playing with the throttle to keep it at that speed. So today, on the way to work, at the top of the same hill that I broke my valve on, the car starts making a loud clicking coming from the front right side. I have no loss of power (yet) like I did before, but sounds similar. I checked to see if it was a leaking exhaust gasket, but no such luck. So I'm about to compression test it tonight, but I'm still wondering if I'm getting that side to hot due to misfiring and torching valves because of that. What else could be responsible for the lack of power from 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. I'm still checking and have found no vacume leaks. I did get it hot the other day setting in traffic, but to quite to the red on the dial, and it didn't boil over. Since then I hardwired the electric fan on and it runs right in the middle of the temp dial, as it was this am at the top of the hill when I noticed the noise. So could it be the coil? Sorry I'm so long winded.