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Everything posted by WASHroad

  1. installed low mileage MWE axles and it's been fine for over a year with a good many miles on it. Is MWE an aftermarket MFG? Where do you find them? Thanks
  2. PIcked up a set of used 4 EuroWinter M+S for the GL, mounted and balanced for some snow fun. At least until April, then they will have to be de-studded:
  3. Lift has been on for almost a month now and things seem to be doing fine. D/D just a tad less stick'em in the corners, ride also a bit stiffer. A week ago I could smell some oil getting hot under the hood, and wa-La the center boot has been ripped to pieces. I picked up a decent looking P-A-P axle to swap. Question is with the 2" block lift, and the strut pushed down, the angles at the CV's looks tight. Plus getting the Lower control arm on after the lift was fun. I thought I would ask if there is any tips on the R&R if the wagon has the lift. Going to get it done this weekend. Will let you know how it goes. Oh, I have an 88 GL wagon,
  4. Nice job on the picture coverage. Looks like a nice day, little sun, and some wet and muddy trails. I really do need to get up there soon.
  5. Well I got put on 10hr days this week and manatory weekend O/T, both days this weekend. How about you lucky ones that get to go out, try to get some nice muddy pictures for us to enjoy.
  6. Fuel pump, not speaking from Subaru acting up, but my '98 Jeep was running the same way. Replaced the fuel pump and no problems. One question, during the 25 miles of good running, was that flat land running were the fuel pump would have a easier time keeping up? I know new pumps are Ka-ching,, but I picked up a used one at the local P-A-P for chump change while working on my '88 GL. For under 20 bucks you should be able to get one and see if that fixes it. I don't know if you are setup to test fuel pressure, but that is were my money is.
  7. Well since my Soobie isn't up to Walker spec yet, may I show up in my Jeep and hang with the group? Jeep likes Walker, plus I have a winch just incase someone needs a pull.
  8. Rear straps. 1/4" x 2" flat stock, cut 4" long. Mark 3/4" in on each end to drill holes. I just drilled the holed to match the bolts. Which are 12mm x 30mm. I heated and bent them at 45 degrees, then you spin the top of the rear strut 180 degrees and bolt them up. That should do it. On the 1/4" flat bar, I bet you could use 1 1/2" wide and be fine.
  9. Forgot the rear straps: Cold custom wrench:
  10. Well it's like the other sticker, Colonago- that's a bike I have- either parts on the car or something I support can go on the car. Not everyone looks at the cigar band to read "Clay Smith Cams" so I wasn't to worry about it. I do support HP just the GL doesn't have any. Since the last picture I even added a King Cage to the group. There is no stainless steel water bottle holder in the car either, but there is on my bikes. But you are totally correct about getting information here on USMB. Couldn't of done the lift without it, heck for that matter, I even figured out what year of GL I wanted to buy from infor gathered here. This is an great site and I just wanted to help support it, and maybe help someone else out.
  11. Sticker's are the best,, and a cool sticker is always cool,, Look at all the facts:: 1) the wagon is red and it matches 2) maybe someone will think I have an EJ22 under the hood:headbang: 3) How can you argue with the OME 97 HP'S That's all I can say,, but I did only put one on, I have one for the other window and am saving that for went this one goes bad. Thinking I need the "it's a wagon thing" sticker,, next
  12. Hey WASHroad, do you live in the edmonds-lynnwood area? saw your car drive thru a few months back. Yep, up by martha lake, just north of 164th.
  13. Let's check out the finished product. First off the 15 degree block Then the straight cut block with 15 degree holes Ok finished install front and rear blocks. Very happy and under $25 buck Now the front view.
  14. Sweetness, I don't have my rear straps fabbed yet, but here is my front blocks.
  15. BINGO** That is the one I had in mind when I fabbed the blocks. They came out nice. I wasn't sure on the index part, but now I think I got it. Going to hit it agian this weekend, trial and error on best remove strut/lower control arm or whatever to get the strut in and out with the new blocks installed. If it goes together, I'll try and post up a few before and after shots.
  16. Thanks for the tip. I think I will have to trim up my blocks in order to get them to clear the rubber on the center of the strut. I also miss drilled my straight blocks. Should get some time this weekend to shape them up. If you get some spare time head up to LynnHood and check it out. Just on the north side of martha lake..
  17. These pictures were in the FAQ, but now are just red squares. I cut up some 2" lift blocks for the front of my EA82. Went from what I remembered looking at the diagram. Qty(4) at 15 degrees, Qty(2) straight, then drilled them up to just over 3/8". Pulled the left hand strut to install, and I couldn't see how the location of the blocks so they will mate up with the strut tower. The straight block goes to the forward hole, but when I was putting the 15 degree blocks on they would hit the center rubber bushing on the top of the strut. So clocking them to look the same didn't seem like it was going to work? I cut the blocks out of 2x2x.250 and almost a dead 1" wide. I was looking for a installed photo or some pointer on how to clock the blocks. Once the blocks are on the struts, is there room to load the strut and then put the new upper bolts in with the strut in place.
  18. '88 GL- My heater blower moter works on 1-2-3 but not on the high setting. Is that a bad switch or something else in the system.
  19. Thanks for the quick reply, just what I need to know.
  20. Is there any differance between a front axle for an auto and a 5 speed?
  21. Bingo, that is what I needed. With those guidelines I should be able to handle the swap. Looking ahead to the holiday weekend to see if I can get a few hours in the garage. Thanks for the help. Great site as always..
  22. How much water did it take to fill? Just sounds like a big-o air lock in the system. Running up to full temp with the radiator cap off change any thing? Was the themostate checked or changed? Did you have full heat while running the engine at full temp? If you had low heat temp. it is just an air lock and low on water in the system.
  23. Looked like a nice day, sun and mud and snow.. I haven't been up to Walker in awhile, but I don't recall that new looking mud bog run section anywhere?? The gate yes, hard packed trails yes, I can place those right off the bat. But that new cut looking section isn't loading into the brain. Can you inform me on where that is or what trial it is called?? Thanks and wish I could of been with you all,, looked like a great time, No breakage report??
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