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Subruise last won the day on June 22 2014

Subruise had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    pierce county
  • Interests
    occupying my garage and swimming in a scrooge mcduck style pool of gen 3 parts
  • Occupation
  • Biography
    bass player. father. Technician. Collector.
  • Vehicles
    91 loyale, 86 gl wagon, 87 ea81 hatchy gl

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Subaru Master

Subaru Master (10/11)



  1. I fully understand, this isnt my first try. Im after the best stuff i can get because this is the best car you can get. She's worth it
  2. My bad, stage 2 (dual headlights). Ive seen the glass ones and i don't like tje fitment. This car is getting all the goodies.
  3. All in the title i guess. I need perfect or near perfect fenders for my gfs GF
  4. Convex side out. If you have to, put it on a flat surface to double check
  5. Sounds like it's got an auto. I'd start there, those cause problems when they fail
  6. Next time you have the engine out and wanna tighten the crankshaft bolt, thread a 12'm bolt into the flywheel/flex plate. Use a box end wrench and the bellhousing stud to get those flywheel or flex plate bolts tight,or the aforementioned crankshaft bolt
  7. old Subarus come with some positive camber from factory. Engine xmember spacers will help a little too
  8. check the coolant temp sensor in the radiator for scaling...clean or replace it
  9. next time try to clear the jumps instead of tag on all of em =D
  10. spinning fronts, ive owned 15+ L series......yes im still asking a question about it. Jeszek, thank you as always for the informative nature of your correspondence. I may tear into them, or just replace them, the cars owner just got a job at a local subaru dealership, so he'll get em cheap. I actually have a few employees from said dealership who bring me their old soobs now lol.
  11. not working for beans, i can spin rotors by hand with parking brake engaged pads and rotors are in good condition, not worn
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