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About jboymechanic

  • Birthday 12/10/1981

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  • Location
    Waterford, WI
  • Interests
    Cars of course, into anything that I happen to find cool. Started out as a mopar guy, currently restoring a '56 Imperial Coupe with 354 Hemi V8.
  • Occupation
    Mechanical Engineer
  • Vehicles
    2003 Outback, 2013 Impreza

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  1. Here is a link to SJRs (Scotts) site, his stuff is kinda expensive due to him having this stuff made by CNC, He used to hand make this stuff, but demand got to much and the Legacy lifts are to complex to make by hand all the time.


    But non the less, Contact Bill, his EA82 2" kit would be like $150. he'll make any size you want though. But after 2" you will need to drop the crossmembers and rear diff, plus make the steering shaft longer since the motor will be dropped about an 1" or 2" depending how big you go. Also Brake lines would need to be lengthened if you go bigger 2".


    But a 2" lift with 27" tires your looking at 12" of clearance under the rear diff and about 16" under the center of the car. So yes, its pretty high :)

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