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  1. You can save more money if you take the relay apart. I removed the outer housing which was quite easy. Just take a screwdriver and pry apart the metallic cylinder, donèt worry about the copper piece on top, it is not attached to the relay inside. Once inside, everything in my relay, that was not working, looked OK. I used a multimeter and measured 80 ohms on the coil, put that into 12V and get about 150ma. Sounded OK. I put everything back together and presto, it worked!! Of course, this may not always be the case but it worked for me, try it and see. Good luck. Bomben
  2. I also had the dash apart after reading the previous post. I had to take off the fuse block and look behind it towards the top of the dash. There was one tiny orange relay, the blower relay was actually behind a bracket when looking up towards the dash when laying down with the back of your head on the brake pedal. The clear connector was the key. Removing the relay took a bit of work, I had to unclip the connector from the bracket using a pair of needle nose pliers. The relay is cylindrical, silver, one inch long, and the diameter of a quarter. It has the following information on it: 10K23, 056700-5260, 12V, 22A, Made in Japan. There is a simiar relay just above it which is the fuel pump, with the green connector. I actually disconnected this one first and the car would not start, go figure. I also overhauled the fan motor, very dirty, full of carbon from the brushes, oiled it, and we are good to go. Anyway, will go to Subaru and pull out the wallet. Thanks for the info. Saved $$$$$ Bomben
  3. Thanks, I used this information and found my 91 Legacy blower relay just where you said it was. I had to remove the fuse block, and there were two relays that looked the same, one inch long and circular, simalar size to a quarter. The fuel pump relay has a green connector and the blower fan is above a bracket looking up from the fuse holder. It has a clear connector just visible on the left hand side of the bracket closest to the outside of the car. You cannot see the relay until you remove the plastic holder fastening it to the bracket (use a pair of needle nose to grab the clip). Here is the relay information to make sure you have the right one in case you are not familiar with the car - 10K23, 056700-5260,12V, 22A, Made in Japan. Bomben
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