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  1. I was at the junk yard recently (my moms Subaru finally bit the dust:() anyway I saw a 92 Legacy just like mine but with a roof rack and I was wondering if anyone knows how difficult it might be to put one on my car? and will it hold as well etc? Im kinda no mechanical but I might persuade my husband to do it, or maybe it would be better to have a professional? any advice?
  2. yes it was replaced, it was overheatring badly and we discovered it had pretty well been melted. an external cooler? whats that? and yeah it keeps your speed downto try to keep the car under 4 lol. the owners manual says you dont need to stop the car just avoid hilly driving, doesnt really say how seriously you should take that kinda warning when your highway driving..
  3. this is about my 87 gl10 again, we fixed the air shocks! put in regular ones they work great! BUT heres something else now...my transmission light comes on every so often,(its an automatic) indicating the tranny is hot? generally it happnes if I drive on the highway with the rpms over 4, or up a steep long hill. it seems fine if I keep it below that. we had the transmission flushed and all that but still it keeps doing it. doesnt seem to be anything wrong with the transmission, and the mechanics I asked arent at all helpful! should I be worried? Is there any one who has had this happen? any suggestions would be welcome! (as with all our problems with the car this didnt happen until the engine seriously overheated and had to replaced...)
  4. thanks people, very good info! I think most likely from what I have heard we will go with changing them out to regular struts seems like a good way to avoid further issues, besides I think things might have been damadged when the car overheated badly (why we had to put in a new engine) a lot of stuff was affected we are only just finding out about, the car got VERY hot, melted the tail pipe, radiater, about cooked the tranny fluid...might have cooked something in the air shock system too:(
  5. Thanks! Some interesting info. I think she would want a standard, although they can be harder to find. She had transmission trouble with her last subaru an 86 loyale. I personally am quite patial to my Legacy Ive put about 8o thousand miles on it it had 107 when I got it and its given me very little trouble, some front end work which seems to be common in soobs altho I hear that might be due to mismatched tires? If only I had known that back when I had my 86 gl-10... anyway thanks again, this is all new info to us. and all advice is appreciated! PS Stagger Lee! heh, I have used the name deliadee since 99 and only one other person I have run into knew where it came from, most people think its my name. The other guy recorded himself singing the folk version, which is a bit different then the Dead. Its very cool someone recognized it. Love that song. (and the name is never taken...) Dear sweet Delia D
  6. You need springs and brackets too we were told? But its easy to do? Do you need any special tools? My husband works on his Toyota pickup so he has some tools.
  7. Hi! my mom has an 87 gl-10 and is thinking of buying a somewhat newer soob. anyone have an opinion about the differences between outbacks, foresters and legacies? I have a 92 Legacy and love it but she kinda likes the forester because they seem to have a bit more clearance.
  8. This seems to be a common problem...lol OK After having a new engine put in the car last summer we started having problems, the height light would flash, then the fron drivers side would get low and refuse to come back up until the car had been driven around a bit. last week they all went and the car is riding low and bumpy, awful. we took it in and were told that the compressor is coming on, and the shocks will hold air so the problem seems to be in the brain or relays or something, mechanic knew next to nothing about them. anyway we cant decide what to do next, repai? replace with some other kind of air shocks? or replace with regular struts? we were told you need springs also? anyone know whats involved and whats cheaper? we havent a lot of money! I looked at aftermarket shocks but have no idea which ones would work...thanks.
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