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Everything posted by Bubba3

  1. dang dude you got extra saucy on this one i was just buildin a push bar (old school brat style) and a rear bumper similar to your yours but i really want a swing out tire carrier. When are you takin it to Walker or to johnsons bar in my home town get it stuck in the river. haha no but for real im drooling over it dude.
  2. hey whats up man how is it goin on the coast. im still drivin ol scubaru everyday still purrin like a kitten. Im livin in spokane right now goin to school but just wanted to see whats goin down on your new subaru and what mods are you doin?


  3. Hey scott im from right down the road in Sedro-woolley and I have an 88 with a 3 inch lift, my camber is horrible up front and I wanted to know the price on 3 inch blocks just for the front two struts. And also will this help my camper issue because the angle you put on them/

  4. Bubba3


    Ya im thinkin about contacting sjr and gettin some three inch blocks just for the struts, I think they are pretty inexpensive. How big are you goin on your new soob dude? Bubba
  5. Bubba3


    Thats pretty funny reid since I Bought your car I have been wondering how to fix camber so it quits eating my $500 tires and im tired of rotating every week. With your lift on it with the three bolt extensions on the top of the strut how what would you suggest I do on the camber?
  6. Go with the general grabber, they are aggressive and you can tuck a 27" inch with trimmed fenders. You can go with the siping but the sub will eat them up if you do. Plus they are cheaper than swampers. ha
  7. Mr. Brat you are one bad rump roast guy thank you for the help, I am feelin more confident about weldin one, up looks like im headin to the steel scrap yard, try to get some diamond plate for the "whole" undercarriage haha im tired of hittin all my parts on trails. Any ideas on how to protect lower control arms? i have gone through two now ( Dam stumps)!
  8. dude your bumpers are bad rump roast did you just weld the completed bumper to the stock mounts or is that custom? I know you said you used the stock brush gaurd but same question goes on the back.
  9. Hey any of you subaru nuts who acutally made their own bumpers and are at least the slightest bit fresh looking you should send me some plans or just 360 degree pics I would really like to start welding one up but im afraid it will look like sh*t. If you mad it from round tube or flat steel I dont care shoot me your ideas. Thank you Bubba
  10. ya dude i totally got a stock Subaru strut from kyb and had to cut the spring just a little to fit but took it into Schwabs and they used the spring compressor worked out like a charm it runs like a champ. Im done Jumping for a while =)

  11. Hey Reid its Bubba Boyd the kid that bought your car. It runs awesome dude and I am learning so much. I rally every Day and It is so sick. So far I have Put new timing belts on, Brand new Radiator, Both Front cv Axles (Those were FUN)haha and plenty of trips to Les Schwab to get dirt out of the bead of the tires. I go to Johnsons Bar in Burlington all the time, Walker Valley at least once a week, and my buddys motocross track. So the other day i Got a little bit too gnarly and blew out the passenger side Rx7 absorber on the back. I kinda need to know what year mazda it came off of. That would be awesome, Also maybe your number so we can rally sometime i know you got that new subbie

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