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Everything posted by rkrall

  1. I have a 2006 Subaru Impreza 2.5i. My car is sluggish, doesn't start right and the engine runs hard when I do get it to start. Is this all battery related or could there be another issue? Last night I replaced the serpentine belt(s). Took it for a test drive. Everything ran fine. Then I had to remove the battery to replace my left low beam. When I went to drive home last night car didn't want to start. We assumed it was the computer resetting itself since the battery had been removed. But it sounded fine idoling. I hadn't gone a mile 'til I had problems. It idoled hard when I stopped, had no pick up (very sluggish even when I had it going) and when I pulled away from a red light the radio turned off. When I got home I checked the belts and bettery connection. Everything looked good. Tried to start it in the driveway and it started every time, but the engine ran hard. This morning it also started right away, didn't start as hard as last night, but the engine sounds strained and the car shakes a little while it idols. The battery is the origional factory battery, and I don't have a way to test it yet, but the radio turning off and hard starts and slugishness point to the battery. I'm just not sure about the engine running hard and the shaking. Is that battery related or something else? I've never had that as a system of a low battery.
  2. I just had the car at the dealership in May for a transmission flush and other fluid levels are within range. The noise was really noticable driving slower in town. I noticed it a little twice when going over 40mph, but it's much more noticable at lower speeds.
  3. It's a 2006, automatic transmission, 2.5i engine with 70,000 miles. I can't get the sound to replicate revving the engine in park or neutral. Only makes the sound when accelerating, which is what is throwing me off....
  4. My Impreza started making a strange, humming noise when I accelerate. It hums for about 5 seconds and then is quiet until I apply the gas again, but maintaining speed, idoling and stopping make no noise (at least not that I can hear). Has anyone had this happen to their car? My serpentine belt started squeaking last week and I am replacing it tomorrow - not because it's very loose or warn, just that it's wearing and at 70,000 miles I'd rather just replace it. Maybe that has something to do with this new noise? Thanks for the help!
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