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    Snowmobiling, sledding, hiking, engineering voodoo
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    Since the day I was born, I have been surrounded with soobs.
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    Sophia and friends

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Elite Master of the Subaru

Elite Master of the Subaru (11/11)



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  1. Most EA82 body cars, turbo or non,}

    Sounds like you might know a thing or two about


    EA82/EA82T engine swaps. I have a 1985 EA82 !.8L


    Turbo motor. I'm wanting to install into a 1988 GL


    Wagon, that currently has the EA82 1.8L SPFI power



    My question is, Do I need to pull the entire


    wireing harness to make the 1985 Turbo work in the


    1988 GL? What about the Brain box? As far as I've


    been able to determine from all my current research.


    I'm thinking that I should have any and every thing I


    might need to do this swap. Haveing both cars on hand


    like I do.

    Sounds to good to be true. Any tips and info you


    might be able to share with me would be greatly


    appreciated. Trying to build my son his first ride.


    Going for the badass little subaru 4x4 thing. Any


    info as to wheels and lift kits would be cool as


    well. Thank you for your time

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