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About chucktile

  • Birthday 05/16/1969

Profile Information

  • Location
    lehigh valley PA
  • Interests
    Whitewater Kayaking/Rockhound
  • Occupation
    Saving Subarus
  • Vehicles
    98 Outback w/2.2 swap

chucktile's Achievements


Member (2/11)



  1. Hi. I've recently joined usmb and found a forum friend of yours (njdrsubaru) was selling a legacy outback http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/...d.php?t=134175. I'm trying to get ahold of him and have not had any luck as of yet. I hate to be prodding and pscyho-like but his soob seemed ideal for me. Any info on it??? Once again I don't mean to be a pain. Thanks, cheers

  2. Check the harmonic balancer. Sometimes they loosen and when they do they throw misfire codes. Mine started with 304 then went to 303&304 then all 4 before I figured it out following a tip on this forum. I ground i thread off the bolt and threw a new balancer on(the keyway on the old one was gnarled) and problem solved.
  3. I wonder if it is possible for the heater core to be causing this. Do a search for "heater core" and read some of the replies. I just did, lots of good info there. Let me know how you make out.
  4. I have done several 2.2 swaps and highly recommend this option. I also beleive the 2.5 to be a very good engine when the head gaskets are replaced properly. I just put a EJ25DOHC from a 97 legacy GT in my 98 forester six months ago and love it. Somewhat noisy when cold but when warm can barely tell if the car is running. The last 2.2 I got had 124000 miles for $100.00 bucks at Harrys u pull it in Allentown PA. It went in the 97 Legacy GT(my friends moms car).
  5. It sounds to me as if there is a blockage somewhere in the cooling system. Maybe not completely blocked but just a restriction that traps an air bubble at times like when trying to burp. That quite possibly could be very difficult to locate/remedy:( I have never used a coolant flush machine myself, but I think they pump the coolant in thereby push air out. Maybe someone with experience in that area could chime in here. I could be way off base but it seems logical. Is the bottom radiator hose getting hot or does it stay cold and soft? For that matter, does the top hose get stiff as if pressure is building?
  6. It sounds as if there is still a bit of air trapped in the system. The only other thing I can think of is air or combustion gasses are getting in somehow.
  7. Last week I did a timing belt service on a 2000 legacy ej25sohc. Of course I replaced the water pump. The same problem arose. First I changed the aftermarket tstat, problem was still there. The solution was to fill the system according to the service manual, next I had to drive the car with the heat on full blast for a couple miles. Then I parked the car and let it cool. I then opened the radiator and repeated the filling process starting with, starting the car and letting it run until coolant circulates, then blasting the heat and topping off with coolant. It seems that there was air trapped somewhere in the heating system and the only way it was comming out was driving with the heat blasted. Its been just over a week and no overheating. This has never happened to me before and I hope it never happens again. I hope you get it straightened out as I know how frustrating this problem can be.
  8. Has there ever been any type of sealant used in the engine? Are the heater hoses behind the engine hooked up properly; in to the in and out to the out?
  9. Take off the radiator cap, start the car, fill the radiator. Leave the cap off, let the car run until the thermostat opens, then turn the heat on high. Give it a minute, then top off the radiator. This is how the service manual says to do it and is the only way it works for me. The cooling system holds two full gallons, if you did not put two full gallons in it is not full and will overheat very quickly usually within two or three miles.
  10. Does anybody know the part number for head gaskets on a 2004 outback 2.5 SOHC. I am having trouble finding them on 1stsubaruparts.com. If I have the part number I think it will work. Thanks for any help you can give.
  11. Maybe you should pull the actual fuel injectors, sometimes they get caked with carbon, usually wont make a no start issue but worth a try. Also make sure all the intake plumbing is connected properly, I have had a loose intake tube disconnect after going over train tracks, the car stalled and would'nt start until it was reconnected.
  12. Sounds like the fuel pump to me. Tap the fuel tank with a mallet a couple times while cranking the engine, if it starts, its the fuel pump. I know you said you checked the fuel pressure but its worth a try.
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