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About HGJ

  • Birthday 07/28/1973

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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. cool, thanks for the good info on witch will work. much apreciated
  2. makes sense, its possibly the cluster it self. Thanks i will try this. thank you also. i had the entire dash apart, and all the screws out of cluster. it still seed that something was holding it back. i didnt want to break it. but i probably need to be more assertive...and just do it, being cautious i had it apart..trying to fix blinkers.. i actually rebuilt switch, well pulled apart cleaned contacts, stretched spring and put back together. it worked.
  3. it is a 82 brat. cluster makes noise, now dosnt work. not sure exactly where problem is. looking for in put on both. last statement helps abunch..thanks again
  4. so the cable has to come out before the cluster can com out? is there on play in it? i think its on the cluster side. thanks for the help.
  5. it has been making noise ever since we bought it..i tried to pull speed-o housing to look at it..to no avail. seems like im missing something. any ways it stopped reading speed, and is now making a really loud noise. need to replace cable. any links to diy? thanks for the help.
  6. so is a non brat model called the GL and the DL? if i was to call a junk yard, is that what i would ask for? im assuming the turbo ones are going to have different returns.
  7. just trying to find out what year or model gas tanks will fit in a 82 Brat..thanks for the help..gas tank needed
  8. i di blo thru it..with air..still cloged?? thanks for the input.
  9. after all this..i am not able to get gas fraom tank to pump..is the tank easy to pull? it doesnt seem to have a whole lot of sopace inbetween tank and rear dif..
  10. is there any way to safley pull power for the pump from the altanator? that would make more sence? if its spinning we get 12v if not no 12v..make sence?? I am pretty profeciant with wire..lol and relays and want to do it rite but most of the ways ive seen to get around this saftly seem way to complicated..or at least more complicated than need be..maby im wrong..i dont know.
  11. You know I have read that a bunch...and it didnt register till just now..duh.. so in theroy no run no pump..it started for a few seconds with starting fliud, depending on how long that wsa it should have started then..I guess im gonna jump it for now to elimnate some other possabiltys... DAM FPCU
  12. good idea..I will check the ground..thanks
  13. can anyone tell me for sure where the fpcu is on a 82 brat????also where is the relay for the fuel pump?? and is that a part that is still availble?
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