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Everything posted by Cruzerider

  1. Hey folks, thanks again for all the input. I had two engine savvy friends have a look last week, things we found: > rear right camshaft seal is possibly leaking. > a possible leak at the hose that runs from the pcv valve down towards the engine block (at the lower end of that T-section) > PCV valve not working properly, should be replaced (possibly along with all the hoses in that area) > We cleaned the area of the leak and observed further, results being that there is possibly another leak lower than the rear right camshaft seal. I couldn't really see well enough to figure out what is leaking. Looks like it is close to the hole in the crossmember (I think that what it is, the thing the engine sits on basically) where these 2 small tubes are running trough. That's exactly where the oil is dripping on the exhaust pipe. Easy to see as there are black burn-marks there. Is the oil separator plate there? > Oil is dripping from the low points of the timing belt cover. That said, we assumed it is because of a leaking left front camshaft seal or possibly the main seal? Couldn't really take a closer look. The main questions I have... > Do you guys think we are on spot with what we found? > How about that separator plate, couldn't quite make any sense from the shop manual. > Would we need to get the engine out for any of the fixes? > What do I have to expect in terms of workload? Any pointers to manuals, instructions would be highly appreciated. Thanks guys, wouldn't know what to do without your input.
  2. Thanks for all the answers! Some more input from my side: > the car has 185,000km on the odometer. Nothing too crazy for a 1995 I'd think. > no idea when the timing belt has been changed last. We only got the car at the beginning of summer, not much information on maintenance was forwarded. > will look into the other possible leaks you guys mentioned and see if I can get the PCV valves fixed. > Airbox, filter, timing belt to be checked for being reasons for the noise Any links to helpful information on the stuff you guys mentioned would be very much appreciated!
  3. Hi folks, our Legacy recently decided to make more problems than I like. His newest thing is to leak motor oil when driven at higher rpm's (around 3000 and above). An inspection by a mechanic a couple months ago basically found a possible leak at the oil pan gasket and/or the front and/or rear seal. I am assuming it's the crankshaft seal that is addressed by that. What is happening is that every time we drive a longer uphill, usually on the highway, oil starts dripping from 'somewhere' onto the exhaust pipe, resulting in smoke from the oil being burned. This problem does NOT occur when driven at lower rpm's, i.e. in town. My conclusion is that there is a problem with a leaking gasket somewhere, the gasket only leaking at higher pressure inside the 'engine'. Can you guys make any sense of my description and conclude where the leak could be? I am kind of worried it might be the crankshaft seals which would be more trouble than the oil pan?! Another thing I noticed and wasn't sure if it's a problem or 'feature': when driven at very high rpm's (4500+), the engine makes a "whistling" noise. Hard to put in words, it's kind of a high pitch tone. Is that what it is supposed to do or is that an indication of another problem? Thanks so much!
  4. Hi folks, as thread title says, the A/C on our 1995 Legacy doesn't put out any cold air. Unfortunately I don't really know what to look for/check to narrow the problem down. As I am a noob when it comes to fixing this kinda stuff, I was hoping that there is a noob-proof way of at least pinpointing the problem and then go ask for help from more knowledgeable friends. Any ideas how I could proceed? Thanks!
  5. Hi everybody, my recently bought Legacy 1995 light up the "check engine" light yesterday. Very bad timing, need the car for the long weekend. As I don't have the gear (nor the knowledge) to go at this problem myself, I was hoping for good advice what mechanic I should go to in Vancouver. I know of Specialty Motors and Don Docksteader, both Subaru dealers in Vancouver, seem to be costly options. Any garage/mechanic with Subaru experience you guys would recommend (in Metro Vancouver)?! Thanks so much, Cheers!
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