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Everything posted by analog.anarchy

  1. I just finished doing a timing belt and went to drive my car around the block but I was getting almost no power. When I opened the hood I saw white/grey smoke coming from the bottom of the transaxel area. My tranny fluid is burnt but I was told not to change the stuff lest some gunk free up and lodge itself in some transmission related valves, tranny fluid also overfilled a bit. Does any of this ring a bell w/ anyone?
  2. Before I go taking off the front half of my car are there any simple texts or tricks to know for sure that it is the timing belt, or is the distro arm being locked enough to be certain?
  3. Also, my valves normally click but they started clicking hardcore right before the car stopped
  4. So I was driving down the road and my engine turns off. I check battery and then think to check the distributer and the rotoe doesn't move. Car turns over but doesn't catch. Anybody recognise that symptom?
  5. Phew! I feel really retarded but I fall into that fortunate 5%. After I had finished working on my car for the idle problem I topped off the oil, in my excitement to be roadworthy again I overfilled the oil by as much as 2 quarts. Sorry to post a false positive.
  6. White smoke from exhaust when I give her gas, not on idle(strange?). was having problems making her hold an idle so I replaced the pcv valve and air filter(the previous was covered in oil from an oil leak) and cleaned out the throttle w/ carb cleaner. She idled on start up and I drove around the parking lot for a little bit, when I tried to accel up to 45 I started billowing white smoke. Please help.
  7. Just ruled out the fuel filter. Interestingly enough when I pulled the egr solenoid out the engine actually reved better than w/ the solenoid in. I think it runs rich w/ no vacuum but I'm not sure. Also wanted to say thanks to everybody who threw out ideas, its helped me a lot.
  8. Checked the alternator and it read 13.75, so I'm pretty sure there's no problem there. Right before the car died I was getting small(read not head gasket volume) puffs of white smoke from exhaust on accel. Also located and checked resistance on egr solenoid which was 0.00 ohms compared to 45~ I got from a different solenoid. Also checked all the tubes I could find for holes and looseness with no luck. Not the vacuum diaphragm on the side of the transaxel either.
  9. My 92 loyale starts up and then dies. I might get a couple of seconds of juice if I feather the accel but then it dies. Checked codes and got 34 (egr solenoid stuck). Don't have the bux for a fresh solenoid and I'm relatively inexperienced w/ this. Any advice?
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