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  1. OK thanks. I have a front caliper that isn't sliding correctly and no job, so I was looking for a cheap fix. I think I'll pass.
  2. Ok, there is an outback in the u-pull-it. I think it might be time to upgrade the brightons' front brakes. Besides the callipers, what else do I need, the outback's rotors? are they larger and will cause my stock 14" wheels from fitting?
  3. OK gang it's time for the old gal to get new struts/springs, ect. What options do I have for a little better handling, but I'm not really looking to lower it at all. Are the GT springs much stiffer and compatable? It is a wagon, and may get light towing <1000lbs. Any other ideas welcome.. Thanks
  4. I was looking at these, and really wouldn't want any trailer over 1000lbs loaded behind my legacy. But some more links I found searching. http://home.centurytel.net/edevold/index.htm http://www.mikenchell.com/ (build your own) http://www.jumpingjacktrailers.com/
  5. I used some CRC "throttle body cleaner?" It started to help, I got normal idle a couple of times. I think I need to go again. What are the recomendations for keeping the car running with all the intake piping off?
  6. So far the wind chill is a little to low to try, but soon. Thanks
  7. After about two hrs of stop and stop traffic thurs. my 97 brighton w/ 2.2 and 5mt, now has a higher idle the when I started the drive. It now idles @ 2k rpm until warmed up for a long time and the it idle about 1500 rpm. I had always felt it was a little slow returning to it's normal (about 800 rpm) idle when you clutched it in the past. Could this be a dirty IAC like the other post?
  8. Man I reallywant to see more offical documentation on this. The numbers and math just don't make sense. as circ. = 2*radius*pi(3.14 for this) .25=2*r*3.14 r=0.04 a change of .04 inches in the distance from the hubs center to the road will cause binding? Next time I get a real acurate tape measure I'm going to find out how much those tire defelct with 150 lbs in the seats. I'm not trying to attach anyone. Just I think more has to be looked into these numbers.
  9. A good test is if you can put it on a dyno and test it there. Dyno's can put more load on the car than just about anything else.
  10. Don't forget about weight, all of those benifits will be worth less if the wheel weight increases abunch. Alot of racing classes have rim/tire sizes limited.
  11. Enough can't be said about proper seat back and headrest adjustments. Sucks about what happened and hope she is ok.
  12. The first link he posted does not mention wear at all. It only mentions/talks about circumference, which would be changed by at least that much by puttong a couple of people in. I agree that that anmount of weight is not upsetting the AWD. therefore I question the measusement of 1/4" as important.
  13. .25" No way, I change it more than that by getting in the car. No way I can, or will adjust tire pressure every time someone gets in or out of my car.
  14. Small, old, weak batteries will give the no start in heat just like cold. I assume it has a "park" starter lock out, worn shifter maybe?
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