I have done quite a bit of research and talked to a lot of people that are willing to help me do this build. And see how well the transmission can be built to handle it. Since this wont be my daily for long it can be messed with a bit. My brother in law has been working on subarus, swapping them, and all that good stuff for quite some time and he is the one who got me into it. He started his first wrx swap in his gc about 4 or 5 years ago and then got a job at COBB and has been there for about 3 years I think? He gives me a lot of advice and stuff so it helps a lot. He encouraged me to try the fwd and see how it works and holds up, and so far it has been great. I don't plan on throwing a big turbo on and calling it good. It will undergo lots of work. If the fwd doesn't do well(which I wont know until I try it) then I will do an awd conversion later. But honestly, its not bad to TRY to do something different and see how well it can be achieved. I'm the type of person that if someone tells me it probably wont work i'm gonna do it anyways. So far I haven't been disappointed with my choices. This being fwd has actually been a blast for me so far, i've rallied the piss out of it, dragged, drifted in snow, and it is VERY fun! But I have also tried that in an awd car and its also fun. So I guess we will see in the near future how well it turns out with what I have planned. My car being fwd doesn't make it any less "good" than anyone elses, it is just different, it's what I chose, and I don't regret it. It has taught me a lot.