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About Darkwing_Duck

  • Birthday 09/27/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    Pine City
  • Interests
    4x4, motorcycle, snowmobiling
  • Vehicles
    1980 Subaru Brat

Darkwing_Duck's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. Hey I have a 78 brat project and i was curious on what finder flares did you run on yours?

  2. Basically the same quality of the one I just recived myself only I bought mine from Carburators Unlimited almost the same problems all around I did get it installed on my car however I will give a word of warning if you get really cold temps like I do in minnesota expect to have to take the air cleaner off and free up the butterfly on the carb by hand because mine sticks all the time when I try to start it im not very pleased with the product quality at all and it left me with more open hoses and vaccum lines then anything even with following the instructions to the T
  3. Could the cold weather also cause my manual trans to not climb to speed properly? The other morning it was about -15 or -20 outside started it let it warm up about 5 mins the engine was at temp but driving out of town which was less than 1 mile the car got into 4th but wouldnt go above about 40mph until I got about 5 miles out and the trans had warmed up could the cold weather on the gear lube be the same reason for this or am I looking at somthing diffrent?
  4. So I am going to do the EJ swap with my brat its a 1980 gen 1 brat and im looking for a car to buy that I can pull what I need out of which is the EJ22 engine, transmission, and computer along with anything else I might need however I was wondering do I have to put a 5spd dr into it or can I just go with a automatic trans with four wheel drive that normally comes hooked to these engines in the impreza or legacys otherwise if somone in my general area has what im looking for let me know I would preffer to get a whole vehicle so I can pull what I need from it but if somone that has done this has everything they know I would need let me know the general area being minnesota also willing to travel into wisconsin or even down as far as possibly iowa
  5. Is there anything I can do with them anyone need them I dont know of quality but I'd be willing to practically give them away beings I dont have any use for them if they wont fit my brat
  6. I have 5 cv axle shafts for 82-87 subaru brat that were given to me when I got the brat however the brat is a 1980 I dont think they will fit anyone know for sure?
  7. If for any reason it starts happening again check the intake gasket for some reason about a year ago my wifes for escape was doing the same thing checked all the same things you mentioned and nothing we brought it into a ford dealer who did a diagnostic on it and the intake gasket was bad and when it was wet it would pull small amounts of water or snow in and give very poor performance and even kill the vehicle after having the intake gaskets replaced it runs just fine
  8. I personally wouldnt buy the vehicle not because it may not be in the best of shape or because of the rust or the asking price I personally think the asking price is fine and minor rust is no big deal and timing belts depending on your level of knowledge can be a pain or not but I wouldnt buy it based on that it belongs to your boss if somthing goes wrong if he is your friend more then what he is telling you and it sounds like there might be somthing he isnt telling you then your going to be upset with him but you still have to work with him all the time he is your boss after all and if he is your friend your going to feel cheated so better to save your friend/work relationship and buy somthing from somone you dont know from my own personal experience
  9. You know it looks to me like the subaru 360 mini sedan "cheap and ugly" is a older better looking probbaly better running and cheaper to maintain version of somthing that I dont know about the rest of you but I really dislike the mini cooper as everyone that drives one thinks they are speed racer for some reason they love cutting people off and most of the time if you meet somone that drives one they are very snooty people but they are the first ones crying when there little cars are broken down on the side of the road either because they were poorly designed or because people beat the poorly designed car into a coma just my 2 cents
  10. so then my next question is beings it looks like a ea71/81 weber costs about 320$ brand new online which is the only place I have been able to find one thus far does anyone know where I can pick up a good used one or one that is slightly cheaper?
  11. according to when I bought my optima red top the battery is never shaposed to go bad if you cant get it to charge perhaps a jumpstart from a truck with a v-8 or v-10?
  12. There is one other thought I did have while thinking about this specific problem today somtimes back in the day when people couldnt afford the fancy additives that can seal up holes in the radiator and gaskets etc they would crack an egg seperate it and put the egg whites into the radiator it would get into the holes etc and because of the heat become cooked and solid sealing the holes its not a full on solution however I have seen people use it with sucess until they could afford to get new gaskets hoses etc
  13. okay so now with the understanding that the thermostat on subarus must be diffrent from most other vehicles because on every vehicle I have ever done it to I just pull the thermostat and leave it at that none I have ever come across have ever had to keep it to seal properly so it must just be diffrent in subaru's which answers my question so thank you (had to throw this in because I thought it looked funny)
  14. I'm just curiouse if there is a reason for gutting the thermostat instead of just completely removing it as I have had cars in the past where the thermostat went bad and I just pulled it and left it out the car runs a bit cooler and you normally have to block half the radiator in the winter but I would never have wasted my time trying to gut one so im just wondering if there is a specific reason for all the extra effort?
  15. Well it sure beats peeing in the radiator dont know the flash point of break fluid but hey whatever ya gotta do to get ya through the day besides if you think its gonna blow you can always do a grand theft auto tuck and roll bail out right?
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