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Everything posted by brumby420

  1. Well this is a jeep so way different vehicle but on that it had fuses that would sometimes go bad and kill the spark. Did you get a new rotor on this disty you got at pull and save? that can also cause a short. These dont typically go bad on subarus but its important to check your coil as well.
  2. Well I for one am going to start plaining another run near my neck of the woods in some places where i know you can legally go offroad. I know of a place up bunco road (road past silverwood in the mountains) where there are lots of trails and shooting ranges and fun stuff like that and then i also know of a place out by the railroad tracks with a pretty awesome rally area and a few cool mud pits. If i were to organize something like this would any of you be interested in attending?
  3. Hey i was wondering if you are any good at dealing with vaccum lines? I got this mazda b2200 that currently has a weber the last owner did a crappy job at installing and the idle (or lack there of) is having issues. I tried advancing the distributor and it didnt make a difference and then i pulled out the distributor advance vaccum line and it ran exactly ther same which leads me to believe it has a massive vaccum leak somewhere. You think if i took it by your house some time you could give me a hand tracing back all the lines?

  4. Well i came a poor man and left a poor man. Now lets see some of the pics and videos.
  5. Do you happen to know of any people on here who are good at aluminum welding and wont charge an arm and a leg. I never thought of having it welded but it sounds like a good idea.
  6. So a bit ago i was riding my 1986 tt350 and the chain broked and slashed through the transmisson case (better that then my leg). I was able to get a truck and get it home and at the time i was honestly thinking it was totalled. I was near correct when i found out a transmission case is $200 used (if they have one) and $800 new from the factory. Seeing as how i spent $300 for this bike i honesty cannot justify spending that much on new parts. I looked at where the hole is and it is right where the clutch input shaft comes in. I suppose i could JB weld it to at least seal it so its not leaking oil but i dont think i could do that without it getting in the way of the clutch linkage thus making it not have a clutch. I know these bikes and most other motorcycles are able to be shifted with no clutch for temporary use but what i was wondering is how bad it is for the transmission to shift with no clutch on a long term basis. I know the basics (clutch cable has broke in the woods before) like get the bike moving before going into first and let off the throttle while shifting but besides that is there anything else i should know.
  7. Well it apears that its getting fuel to the carb it just not getting past the carb and into the intake. I you can keep trying to run carb cleaner through it and perhaps some sea foam would help as well or if you wanna do it the right way dissasmble the carb and get all the gunk out.
  8. Ive been told not to use dot 5 because it wont absord ANY water and if and water at all gets into it it will run through the brakes and cause brake failure.
  9. Well i hope jb weld holds up well because im soon going to be attempting to fix the hole in my transmission case on my tt350 dirtbike.
  10. yeah I will be ready. ill start packing LOL

  11. Some of my two favorite vehicles subaru and jeep. Gotta love that.
  12. Yeah well i suppose we dont need to bother trying to fit that in a wagon. I know the limits of my wagon and it wouldnt fit a dirtbike in it LOL. I do have a nice single shot 12 gauge i just fixed up ive been meaning to getta try out and ill be glad to take that for everyone to fire off some shots if you want.

  13. Well assuming that the problem is it is out of time there are two things you can try. One is try to advance the distributor and see if that makes it run better and if that dont work (assuming the issue is timing) then you will likley just need to replace the timing belt.
  14. Lets assume hes not pulling the disty off a beautiful hatch and it is simply an ea82. In that case the answer would be no.
  15. Im not sure if it would fit in there or not. its an 86 tt350 so it is a pretty big bike. If you take your brat it should probly fit but if you take your wagon that would be pretty tight. Luckily i got enough tie downs do that should help. If you dont think you can dont worry bout it i can hopefully convince my dad to give me a ride over in the truck or something. Thanks for the help.


  16. LOL i typically wave at any old subaru i see going down the road then a bit later i remembered you bought something like that. Speaking of dirtbikes i was wondering if i cant take my buggy to the run would it would be ok if i took the dirtbike for the run if i cant take the buggy.

  17. LOL i typically wave at any old subaru i see going down the road then a bit later i remembered you bought something like that. Speaking of dirtbikes i was wondering if i cant take my buggy to the run would it would be ok if i took the dirtbike for the run if i cant take the buggy.

  18. Heyi think i saw you going down bruner the other day in that blue suby you got. I was on a dirtbike at the time. If so glad to see that thing going good.

  19. Well i am sort of curious how my ea81 would run on jager LOL
  20. LOL, im willing to stay sober for the event. How bout this anyone caught with liquor has to pour it in their suby and run it
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