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Everything posted by soobie_newbie67

  1. ok GD, you dont have be a total d1ckhead to me. i have rebuild serveral engines, but V-8s and V-6's, never a boxer engine, so dont even criticize when you dont know f*cking sh*t about me. im just trying to get help, and people are helping me realize my mistakes in a much nicer way then you *********************. im aware that im going to have to cam carriers and stuff apart and clean them out, which wont be very hard. oh, and for your information, i took the engine apart all the way down to splitting the case so i could replace the main and rod bearings. i do know what the f******* im doing GD, so dont assume. you know, GD, the whole reason im hear is to get help, and if you can help me with out being total f**king d**khead, then dont give me answer, that will make it easier for both of us. im surprised there are any new members here like me who dont know what they are doing once in a while with someone like you here who insults and bashes all the time.
  2. lol. we are talking about my van. and the rattling is coming from the empty catalytic converter housing. i now am gonna have to cut out the empty housing and put in a straight pipe, or just deal with the rattling. if i turn my Subwoofers up, i cant hear it anyway.
  3. alright, i definitely know what your talking about now. hmmmm, well, i really dont know what im going to about it now atm. the little hydrolic lifter things had little retainers on them that holds the center part in, and the majority of the lifters had broken retainers. i used the lifters from the old motor since they were all good, but wasnt able to replace all of them cause they wouldnt come out. i guess i'll have to figure something out soon. i dont want to have to buy new ones, seeing as the only ones i have found are on ebay, and cost something like, 40 bucks a piece. just checked ebay, actually 80 bucks for 4 of them.
  4. one quick question that i stupidly did not ask earlier. what are the HLA's; what are there functions; where are they??? and if they are what i think i have a clue to what they are, i would say they had they had the oil washed out of them when i hot tanked the heads and cam carriers.
  5. ok, i know exactly what your talking about now, and yes i did do it wrong. the overhaul kit i bought had o-rings instead of these little special ones your talking about. but, i did put plenty of sealent (w/o overdoing it) on the "carrier-head mating surface" so thats not a problem. but here's what i dont get. when i did the head work on my other Subaru (needed a little valve grind) it had one of these o-rings in question, and i replaced it, and have not had any problems with excessive clacking. maybe the oil passage on my rebuilt motor is plugged just enough to not let the oil through? i did hot tank every single engine part, but i took a air hose and blew out all the oil passages, but overlooked the ones on the cam carriers.
  6. sweet, thanks for the pic of the part i need, but i just went out and looked. i have the old engine which is shot, thanks to a crack, and checked out the heads and cam carriers, which i have done nothing to, and could not find anywhere where this part would go. do you have any pics or a description of where this part goes and how to put it in?
  7. alright, do you have any pics or a super good detailed description as to what i need to do?
  8. please tell me i dont have to take the heads off to fix this.
  9. well, i have good enough oil pressure to where the oil light goes out on the dash before the engine even starts (during cranking) and the motor hasnt seized up. and i did replace the o-ring/gasket thing on the oil pump w/o problems, and what, might i ask, are these special gaskets that you mention? and yes, i had the whole entire engine apart so the heads and cam carriers were off.
  10. alright, but i just got back from 30 miles of highway driving and its still clacking. will it take longer yet? btw, its not as loud anymore as when i first put it together and started it. for the first 20 minutes of run time it sounded like direct un-lubricated metal on metal contact.
  11. after my rebuild, i knew the lifters were gonna clack for a while, but i didnt think they would still be clacking after more then 45 minutes of run time. whats going on?
  12. alright, so i thought i had the RPM issue fixed, well i kinda have it fixed. i was wondering where that idle air control is cause i think that might be the problem. what do you think??? its idling at about 1500 rpm's now and i cant seem to get it to go down. any recommendations or ideas?
  13. i have got everything on my 1988 Subaru GL-10 turbo wagon done, and i want to thank everyone who helped me when a popped a question that needed an answer. it runs absolutely terrific for my first boxer engine rebuild, and im extremely happy with its performance (which it seems most everyone takes for granted for what it is and when it was made, i sure dont) i love my Subaru, and i guess thats what guys on the Subaru commercials say makes a Subaru. you know, "Love, its what makes a Subaru, a Subaru." that. lol. thanks everyone. if anything ever happens with my car i will definitely ask you guys first.
  14. yes i used a timing light. i have 3 of them. and the information that Milesfox gave me is what i was looking for. thank you. thats all.
  15. ok, but still, how should i set it? i kinda have to cause i had the engine completely tore down, which in turn means i had the distributor out and it needs to be reset.
  16. what would you people say i should set the ignition timing at on my 1988 GL-10 EA82T? the manual i have says 20 degrees, i say the manuals crazy, but the manual is factory specs. also, it still idles a little high, but no 3k RPM's. i knocked down the timing to 10 degrees and that knocked the motor down to a acceptable idle (about 850 to 900) but right now it idles at about 1150 to 1200 RPM fully warmed up, 50 degrees outside.
  17. i didnt see any cracks when i was checking it out after the drop. i will try your idea today and see what happens.
  18. it really doesnt take that long to take out. my friend and i had mine out in 30 minutes. but it took us about an hour to get it back in. damn motor and tranny mounts fought us. i have a 1988 GL10 with the EA82 turbo engine, and i just got done fully overhauling it and putting it back in. much luck so far, but having RPM issues. good luck with your car. oh, if your still looking for the original engine, the local junk yard where i live has about 4 em last time i checked.
  19. i just got done rebuilding my EA82T and getting it in the car and everything, getting the timing just right, yadda yadda yadda. anyway, the problem is that when start the car the RPM's take off to 3000 and wont go down, i can rev up, but it wont rev down. what in the world is going on??? i have checked everything on the intake 6 times, and everything is hooked up like its supposed to be, and the RPM's just wont cooperate with me. i did drop the throttle body with cleaning off the old gasket, could that have anything to do with it??? i inspected the throttle body, and it didnt get damaged or anything. dropped from about 4 feet from my hands onto hard, cold, unforgiving concrete. but yeah. anyone have any idea what might be going on? oh, 1988 Subaru GL-10 EA82 turbo
  20. i have used a vacuum gauge and according to the guage everything is perfect. plus, i did mention that i have gutted out the cat already cause it was starting to clog. im pretty sure it might be the heat sheilds. i'll have to check.
  21. hey, i dont remember if it was this thread or a different one, but some one was mentioning the TD04L turbo to put in my Subaru, but they mentioned ring land problems if you over boost. on stock pistons, where is that "overboost" area at? how much over 7 psi can you go before having problems?
  22. true. it really is just what this person decides to do.
  23. oh, its all right for me. i dont plan on selling either of my Subaru's. i'll have them till the day i die if the economy doesnt destroy me. i have money to fix mine up, since neither of them actually needed that much work. i now have all the parts ordered to start putting my EA82 turbo back to together and i will have it finished and installed by this Sunday. But like i said, i dont plan on getting rid of these cars. really, depending on the extent of the work to be done might justify whether or not its restorable, and what the sentimental value of the car is to the person who owns it. like i have a 1994 Plymouth Grand Voyager with a 3.8 liter V6. my grandparents bought it for me for my first car. i hated the damn thing, put grew to like it soo much over the 2 years i have had it now that i could never get rid of it, even though it would be in Showroom condition with a new paint job. i actually did put it on craigslist once trying to sell it cause i wanted the money for my Subaru. i posted it for 1800 dollars as, HOPING no one would want to pay that. well, the next day a guy contacted me and actually came over and say it. he said he needed to discuss it with his family, actually came back with his wife so she could see it, then they said they would let me know. the next day he called me to tell me he wanted it. i was aww struck, i didnt want to sell. i told him that "I" needed to think about and cancelled selling it to him. i have had my van so long that the sentimental value of it was too high for me, or anyone else (cept him) and i just cant sell it. i have a Pioneer stereo deck, 2 12 inch MTX subs 400 watt max, and a 1000 watt alpine amp. i installed everything myself and grew to like the car. after doing a headgasket some 3000 miles later, i really didnt want to get rid of it. sorry, i just said a bunch of stuff that people wont car about, but my point is, after you have put soo much of yourself into a vehicle, if your really happy with the way it turned out, you wont care how much money you have in it, and that you can only sell it for less then you put in. you'll like it sooo much you wont want to part with it. i'll never be able to part with my van, and by the time im done with my Subaru, i KNOW i will never be able to get rid of it either. plus i like that the new 1988 GL-10 has A/C and my 1987 GL doesnt. i need A/C cause i had a mild heat stroke while doing construction work with a local contractor. thats another reason why i like my van, A/C.
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