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Everything posted by mentis

  1. I'll be moving to NC this fall (August or September), probably to Chapel Hill. Not exactly an offroad sub my wagon is, but it's probably good for me to get acquainted with some NC folk before hand. Welcome to the board! P.S.: Yeah, Sweet82, you got a gallery anywhere??? If not, you better start one .
  2. He he, yeah you're right. I didn't catch that one .
  3. Oh...well I guess I didn't know that . Thanks for the info. But I agree that it's a good resource nonetheless.
  4. Ahh. That does shed some light on the issue. And it's good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this . I guess I'll just have to live with it. Though I might look into getting new engine mounts put it. Thanks for the info!!
  5. Haha...I like that. About the tranny mount, I had the mechanic put it up on the hoist and check the tranny mounts, and they're all fine. So that's the other reason why they can't figure it out.
  6. Yeah, I'll try that. If nothing else, it won't hurt. One more stupid question though, what and where is the cap? Is that the distributor cap? If so then I know what it is. Thanks!
  7. I got this 6 disc changer from my mechanic with the factory sub/amp. Both came out of a 2002 Impreza WRX, but unfortunately I did not get any harnesses with them. Afte much searching online and in town, I finally found one harness at a JY out of an Impreza. However, I still have no harness for the second plug on the unit and nothing for the sub/amp. So... I'd like to find some wiring diagrams maybe? Or perhaps someone knows how to find these darn harnesses? (attached is a pic of the back of the cd unit)
  8. My GL-10 has had this issue since I bought it and my Subaru only mechanic, as well as another trusted mechanic both have no idea about the cause of this: While in gear (particularly at lower speeds, i.e. 1st and 2nd gear) the car jerks when the gas pedal is released (and neither clutch nor brake are applied during this). It jerks again when the gas pedal is applied. When I first bought the car, it was missing both cat and muffler, and all pipes connecting those two. So I thought it might have something to do with that. But after exhaust system was installed, the problem persisted. One of the engine mounts was also found to be missing the bolt, and that was repaired. No effect however. Any ideas as to this issue are very much appreciated.
  9. I have to say that www.subaruparts.com may be a good source, but their prices are HUGE. They charge about $450 for a 6 disc changer for a WRX, and I got mine (almost brand new) from my mechanic for $45 with two speakers and the factory sub/amp included. The website also wants about $75 for the wiring harness for that stereo setup, and I got one at the JY for $5. I can't say I'd be willing to purchase my parts from that site. Just my two cents.
  10. Hey thanks a lot for checking that out. I'll try to get a hold of him. And as far as the wires go...you're referring to the sparkplug wires? added: No go on that member. He's got 0 posts, and no way to get a hold of. His website's gone too. Oh well.
  11. Hey, had I checked this post a couple of days ago, I would have given you a call. I live in Billings, and there's a pretty good mechanic here who works only on subes. Helped me a number of times already. But that's bridge under the water now, so good luck!
  12. I appreciate the replys. I guess I'll start doing my homework on exhaust systems. Do you guys think that adding that performance muffler will be a good idea then? As of now, I get about 18 mpg in town when driving sporadically (as in drive for 15 minutes, then stay somewhere for an hour and repeat once or twice). When driving regularly (as in a good several hours worth of driving when i.e. running errands), I get more in the 20-23 mpg range. Thanks for checking out if there was anyone in Billings. I'll do a search too and see what I can come up with.
  13. Well, I was thinking that I should start asking my questions here instead of adding to the 300 or so posts here . 1. My mechanics (two, one of which is a sube only) have not been able to tell me what's up with this: When I let up on the gas while driving, the car jerks, and does this again when I engage the gas. Repairs to the exhaust did not have an effect on this, and a loose engine mount repair did not do anything either. Perhaps someone else here will have a clue? 2. What are some of the first things I should do to my sube to improve gas mileage and performance? Here's what's been done to my '87 GL-10 Turbo Wagon so far: Installed cat, muffler and pipes (missing when bought ) Replaced power steering pump Installed new rotors and all new break pads Replaced a slew of coolant hoses Replaced radiator Replaced all struts Replaced both front fenders, hood, and all doors other miscellaneous fluids, filters, maintenance I'm not really that knowledgeable about cars, so I'm just learning as I go. I'm thinking about putting in a better muffler for performance and gas mileage. But that jerking is been going on ever since I got the car and I've gotten used to it. It would be nice to get it worked out however. Thanks for any help in advance! P.S.: That would be great to know someone from the board who's in Billings, thanks for looking into that!
  14. Hey, that's a great deal on that gauge. Most gauges I've looked at, even on ebay, are at least $30. As far as installing it, I'm afraid I can't help you there. I'm looking at doing this myself in the future, but haven't looked into it yet.
  15. I guess I better start taking pics of my rig. Oh and I forgot to add that it's an '87. Thanks for the warm welcome, too!
  16. Hey everyone, I'm new to the board...obviously . Live in Montana and got myself a GL-10 Turbo about a year ago. I've been working on it since then trying to get it all fixed up. So far it's been good to me, all things considered.
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