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Posts posted by SubaruGL

  1. Worked a bit today between rain and here is what I am up to... specific questions are boldfaced. I did locate a service manual, but it is for an 1989 fuel injected model and I have the 2 barrel carb system. Sorry for so many questions in advance!


    Still can't get this "assembly" to use the clamp under the spare tire. One of the hoses are likely shorter than they should be. Also, it would be helpful to see a picture of where the bracket attaches if anyone has a picture!



    Changed the capped off heater core bypass to a gradual connection. The "tee" assembly is just to assist with flushing the rad, which proved unnecessary (see below).



    Found an electrical connector just floating around near the battery. It would be great to know where it fastens to! Also, I am guessing these are fusible links? The leftmost wire appears to have just been twisted together. What is this wire for? I'm thinking it might help me determine the past of the vehicle.



    Now the most important question!... Made sure the radiator was plugged and ran some water and some coolant into the rad through the filler neck... I see coolant dripping out of the plastic housing behind the fans, on the passenger side, in front of the oil filter. What does this "problem" point to? Cracked radiator, or worse?



    Despite the dying upon quickly letting off the accelerator and a possible battery not up to par (I occasionally get all the lights on the dash coming on when the car drops below 12v.), my oil pressure is about in the middle at idle and goes up about 3/4's of the way upon revving up to 4000 rpm's. Is this correct? Trying to figure out of the oil system is good.





  2. Just fired it up and she started first try! Idles ok but when I rev it up and let off the gas she dies. Also I notice a crackling type noise from the exhaust manifold I think, when I let off the gas. Maybe that is due to the missing hose from the cat that looks likes it runs back up to the intake?


    Off to the auto store now to pick up some supplies and maybe some beer too lol.

  3. * UPDATE 11/20/2010 *


    Changed oil and got the girl running! For a bit!


    OK, so I've been lazy and crazy busy with work, but I finally got my wagon towed home after inflating the tire, and pulled the battery and charged it back up. Even though all the pieces Pep Boys pulled for me were incorrect, at least I had bought my own oil and filter previously.


    So the first oil change in 5 years... Need your guys advice on how, and whether, to proceed..


    Drained the oil as much as possible and ran an extra quart or so through to help get out brown (like coffee with milk!) sludge. It was the yuckiest oil I've ever seen. What scares me is I must have got a good 5 quarts out of it. There was some signs of a little water too. After cleaning everything I filled the new filter with fresh oil and then filled it up until the dipstick was happy. Took about 3 or so more quarts.


    Got in and pumped the gas and she fired up on the second try! Running rough of course, great when I gave it some gas, but would die if I let the rpms drop. On the second round of running it my neighbor was scared he saw smoke, but it appears to only be coming from the open connection down off the catalytic converter. Should be easy enough to but some hose tomorrow at the auto store.


    Now my main questions are.


    1.) Does it sound like I have a cracked head or head gasket leak based on the condition of the oil? I keep fearing that but also am trying to balance that it has sat for a good 4-4.5 years. The radiator reservoir is empty. Tomorrow I'll drain anything in the radiator. The previous owner is an elderly lady who told me she thought it needed a radiator. I noticed a crack in the upper return line to the radiator however. So I'm not sure if the rad is bad, but assume at this age I will have to change it. I also noticed the two lines to the heater core are disconnected and the feed & return line to the radiator have been capped (see image at end of post).


    2.) What would be the next steps you would take and check? I don't mind putting money into a car that will drive, but if the engine is shot I would be real mad to buy new tires, radiator, hoses, and so forth.


    Any help is greatly appreciated. Tomorrow is Subaru day for me, finally get one day off so I'd like to make as much progress as possible! :D



  4. Ok, I spun the distributor today, 14 degrees all in at 5k!! 12 degrees on inside advance, 7 on outside. I'm gonna have to find some lighter springs or heaver weights. If I set the 10 initial like you recommended i'll be running 38 total, if i can limit it to about 10-13 and get it all in around 2500 i think it will run good, as for the vac advance, I'll either run without it or hook up the outside one. I'll have to experiment with that.


    SubaruGL: If you live in CT I'd be happy to get you the carb kit , I get a break on weber stuff. $359 for the electric choke, $299 manual. plus $15 freight. You'll have to pick it up here. I don't want to ship it.


    Well thanks I am in Florida but some close friends just moved back up north and have family in Connecticut. If they are planning any trips there for the holidays and I can find the cash I will let you know! Thanks.

  5. Picked up an '87 Subaru GL Wagon that has been sitting in a carport for about 3-4 years. About 75k miles.


    Haven't been able to tow it home yet as I discovered a flat. Going to try and remedy that today but managed to take some photos. (below)


    Still trying to figure out my game plan. I know the owner said the radiator was bad. But looking quickly at the engine there are other issues, such as the loose peice in photo 3, and and part of the exhaust missing :) Any advice/suggestions are appreciated! (As I posted before, my last Subaru ('86 Brat) was owned some years ago and I am trying to re-familiarize myself with the Subaru engines. Going to look into trying to get a service manual for starters! :D







  6. This is a helpful thread thanks! Just got an 87 GL wagon and was thinking of converting to webers and to remove some of the emissions tubes if advisable!


    Rather than start a new thread, it seems on topic to ask if you all can point me in the right direction to a place to find the redline kits and possibly a service manual (prefer downloadable).


    Many thanks and dont mean to threadjack... I'm subscribed and good luck with your neighbor's subaru! :)

  7. My "new" Subaru doesn't have a sunroof and I may add one. I worked for a van customizing shops years ago and we used to cut the openings neatly with a jigsaw and a metal cutting blade. We would typically leave about an inch extra all around for the headliner and then it would tuck into the rubber gasket.


    As for the headliner, if you are having problems getting it positioned correctly, you might want to try some spray adhesive... Something that is "re-positionable" would likely be best so you can readjust. Also, even if the instructions say to spray both sides and wait to adhere, I would suggest starting with spraying just one side, to cut down on how permanent a bond it makes.


    Just my 2 cents... Good luck!

  8. 76K! :eek::eek::eek:


    Nice Score... Welcome and, I'd love to see some other pic's when you get around to it.


    How come it sat for so long?


    Thanks and I know! I was pretty psyched. The best I can tell is around '07 or '08 she found out it needed the radiator changed and she was given a pontiac she is still driving. The battery "looks" brand new and has an '07 sticker on it. And the one service record she gave me is from the battery purchase and some other few things in late '07.


    That is getting past the break in point, now you can start to rally the rat out the beast!!!

    Like to see it cleaned up and some interior shot


    Agreed ^


    What are your plans? Build thread?


    Welcome to the board... and 76K :eek:





    Definitely will be pushing her across the street to our rental place for a pressure clean and some before pictures before attempting to call roadside assistance for a tow to my house :) Will post more pictures once I can take it. It is crammed into a carport now so I got to see it all, but didn't have my flash camera.


    Plans... Considered slamming it (I'm in south florida lol) but that just isn't a subaru. Want something street legal so I'm hoping for a 2" lift or so with some beefy tires... probably white metal rims and some white brush guards front and rear if I can find them.... Then eventually paint... Possibly either white or flat black lol....


    For the engine I'm not sure yet. I still have to find a service manual and get familiar with the subaru's again. I noticed some part with a bracket not attached to anything, probably someone "worked on it" a bit for her... going to find a schematic/diagram hopefully and sort her out and see where it leads.


    Build thread would be great. Will probably start a new thread for updates once i get some decent photos taken and post the link here.


    Nice find man! Should give you many many years of service.


    Probably needs new timing belts though... at 76k they could be the original ones! :eek:


    LOL I think that would be a safe bet! :/ I saw some timing belt kit online that didn't look too expensive. Still hunting down good subaru resources! Glad to have found this site! :headbang:

  9. welcome


    Thank you!


    Air filter box means its a carby .... :-\ Not terrible , just give it a good spraying with carb cleaner and see what its like after that.


    I know, wish it wasn't a carb, but I'll deal with it. And yes lots of carb cleaner and Seafoam, a product I swear by! LOL


    Still looks white :) , just filthy dusty... but you know better than me being there.


    I know I swore it was white when I asked the owner about it, but sure enough its cream :/ lol.... paint job down the road, so no biggy.



    good luck with it! What's your 2 wheeler?


    Thanks! Didn't get to tow it to my house today, hopefully tomorrow.


    2 wheeler is a 2-tone green 1999 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad :)

  10. Just wanted to say hi and say I'm happy to have found this forum. I've already posted in the Welcome forum so I won't restate everything here. However yesterday I acquired a friends '87 GL Wagon with about 76k on her. She has been sitting since about 07 or 08. I was looking for a project and an am anxious to get into reviving her and modifying as well once things are sorted out!



  11. Hi Moosens! Thanks for the welcome and information! I need to get up to speed on this car and am looking forward to it. I know power may not be the best but I love tickering with engines and maybe this will keep me away from my daily driver and my motorcycle :) I also look forward to having some space in a vehicle finally to haul stuff :)


    If you have some extra stuff that might work in this vehicle I'll definitely be interested. I'm not sure of the forum rules fully yet so I won't post more on that here I guess. I'm still trying to decipher what the car has, etc. It was tucked (tightly) into a carport but I believe it was two halogen headlights when I opened the hood. It definitely looked like a carb model with a black oval shaped air filter in front of the spare tire. There was one of the 3 bolts missing and I opened it to find a pretty dirty air filter. Also noticed a module towards the passenger side was all connected with hoses but the bracket was attached anywhere.


    My game plan is to push it across the street to the house where I am working, wash it, and then get it towed to my place so I can have a better look. I wrote down the VIN but that only seems to let me cross reference some of the data. It should be a fun project anyways. :)


    Oh and BTW, unfortunately it is not white as I thought (and hoped!) from a distance... it is a cream color. Tis OK... she will probably be ready for a fresh coat of paint down the road after she is put back in order!


    Love your wagon too! Wish I had the turbo model... but maybe in good time! :)

  12. Hello everyone,


    Recently "inherited" a gift of an '87 Subaru GL Wagon with 76k miles. It had been sitting for some years, maybe since 2007 or 2008. Going to start to work on it and bring it back to life. From talking to the owner I think the radiator will be the first thing to address, of course along with the battery.


    Hoping to make use of the knowledge in this forum. I've worked on subarus in the past but my last Subaru was an '86 Brat! But I loved that vehicle, most reliable car I've owned! :)



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