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Everything posted by zacyork

  1. gonna need a bit more info. when it dies does it restart? if it doesnt restart you should see if its no spark or fuel. also is there any codes on your ecu?
  2. i just wanted to say that the fuel pressure regulator could bleed off after you turn your car off. which would dump the fuel down your vacuum line into your manifold then into your combustion chamber. have seen this a couple times for a no start.
  3. welcome chris. hopefully we can get your new ride up and going to par. lots and lots of information here. whats wrong with the car?
  4. that transmission could take that abuse for a very short time before it blows. definitely not worth it. to do a wrx swap you want the whole wrx drivetrain.
  5. definitely not torque bind then. sounds like your pump isnt creating pressure due to pump not working or leak somewhere. or blockage in one of your lines.
  6. i am just using a way to make sure its not a ps issue cause if your not moving there is no torque to the wheels. if its still hard to turn then i shouldnt be torque bind. im not saying its not torque bind just making sure its not in his rack and pinion
  7. thats why i said when your NOT DRIVING is it hard to turn the wheels. how can you have torque bind when your not spinning axles?
  8. can you easily turn the tires without driving? if its hard to turn the wheels while your sitting still it will be a ps problem.
  9. i have no hands on experience with this swap but should be feasable. have fun searching threads:grin: you might have to venture beyond usmb. hopefuly not there are some experienced people on here.
  10. even tho your timing belt is lined up it might be worth getting a timing light on it to see when its sparking.
  11. thanks rooster2 forgot to mention that part. fuel pumps dont like air very much
  12. if you have bad gas in the tank you could syphon. or you could disconnect the fuel line and bridge the fuel pump relay to keep it pumping without turning the car over. let the pump push the fuel out
  13. the suzuki 1.3 is transversely mounted. my last post felt a little confusing.another words its mounted in the engine bay like a honda with the tranny beside it enstead of behind it like the EJ
  14. ej swaps are hard on these because it a transversley mounted engine. the ej takes up the whole engine bay. the biggest problem with these swaps is mounting the transmission. you gotta be decent with welder and fab work.
  15. yup mass air flow sensor. or you have a leak between your sensor and throttle body. both will give you the same problem.
  16. the suzuki swift will have i think the same motor as you. you gotta find the suzuki sidekick or geo tracker. the little suv things
  17. the suzuki swap would probably be a lot easier. but the mazda swap sounds cooler. have people stuck rotary motors in these?
  18. as far as i remember that rear driveshaft should slide on. its been a while and i have only done the manuals. but that shouldnt matter. anyways that should be a smooth slide onto the rear ouput shaft. i have no idea what could do this. possible it was off too long and started to rust?
  19. if you dont have access to a leakdown gauge you can do a wet compression check with a little oil down your spark plug hole. if you comression goes up after you put the oil in its your rings.
  20. thats some pretty low compression. might be worth doing a leak down test. find out if its rings or valves giving you those low numbers. when you say pop do you mean backfire?
  21. correction, that should be the 1.3. maybe you could swap the suzuki 1.6 16valve from the sidekick or geo tracker
  22. ahh so its all show no go. sadly there isnt a lot of options for swapping. people have done ej swaps but your looking at quite a bit of fab. thats the 3 cylinder right?
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