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Everything posted by ZZZ

  1. thanks for all the responses guys. Couple other points that might help me diagnose this.... Engine hiccups while idling at startup. Car almost wants to stall while letting the clutch out in first....recently replaced clutch...hesitation? CEL light blinks when the car bucks from being in too high gear, low rpms... any other thoughts?
  2. Following this thread with similiar issues....What does it mean when the engine hiccups repeatedly on startup?
  3. ha! dead on! Thanks for the answers, much appreciated. Another dumb question. Can't seem to find a good how too for the knock sensor. Any links?
  4. The check engine light reads the code for a bad knock sensor. I had trouble believing this to be the problem as was said earlier, usually high rpm is where you would notice a difference. I am going to try a new knock sensor anyways I think, just wondering if anyone had a similiar experience, or if there are any other ideas with what may be causing the loss in power. New fuel/air filter made no difference. Another random question for anyone who might have a second to answer. Is it possible for the lowbeam to be out, but high beam still function on the model subie? Same bulb for both.... Happy to have found this forum....Is there a way to get around the 3 character search function requirement? And yes. I promise i'll ease up the excessive questions.
  5. 1999 impreza outback sport...Check engine light is on and the code is for the knock sensor. When going up hills, or off the bat in 1st the car will stutter and/or lose power. For example a small hill in 4th gear at low rpm will make the car stutter and force me to downshift due to the lack of power. When this happens and I don't downshift the check engine light will flash until I do. I feel like this must be a telltale sign that I don't know about. Could replacing the knock sensor really solve this problem? Live here in a ski town and trying to avoid getting bent over by the inflated local mechanic, any help is much appreciated. thanks!!
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