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mudER wagon

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Everything posted by mudER wagon

  1. Got my lift ordered and my wheels got hubs in the works now I just need some good tires on the cheap!
  2. Hey thanks bro I'm ordering a 2 inch from bill later today, and picking up some 15 inch toyotas from markjw as well just gonna need help with a 6 lug swap here pretty quick hoping to have it all together this weekend
  3. Hey another local guy! Welcome to the board friend hope to see you around, don't be afraid of the search function it is your friend!
  4. Good to know, if I have to drive around stuff I will hopefully I will be ordering a lift from bill this week, and with any luck I'll be able to find some wheels and tires on the cheap, I'm thinking next sunday on the 10th would probably allow me time to get put together, especially if I could get some extra help haha, also if anyone is up to it I figured we could all meet in the sears parking lot of the Tacoma mall on that day so we could all ride up there together. Anyone who is interested go ahead and shoot me a text or pm or a call 253-442-0127 - kelson
  5. the more the merrier in my book, i might just head out there next weekend on sunday maybe if there is more interest from the people down here, we could network, and schedule a run in a way more people could go.
  6. Any given Sunday, only days I have off, maybe even next weekend if a stocker can ride through there, you interested in going?
  7. mudER wagon


    So I just got my rig and I hear this place is a good spot for new guys, anyone ever go? Anyone feel like going with me? I'm wondering if a stock rig will make it through or if I'm going to need a lift and tires first? Info would be great if anyone wants to go that would be awesome, a chance to get some of us together that are down this way. -kelson
  8. I can take up thurston as soon as I get a rig haha
  9. Wonder how long it would take to walk to mt Vernon (twirls cane*)........
  10. I'm out here in thurston, I'm working on getting another wagon, wanting to go with a 4inch lift and 28in scampers to run with you guys, but you guys are SO FAR up north for me lol plus I only ever have one day off a week. I'd love to be part of the gang some day. Lol @ scampers I mean swampers dangit
  11. God I hate to be that guy but do these come with instructions? Lol
  12. finally put on my kc daylighters absolutely amazing in the dark lol what do yall think??
  13. i figured out how to post pics of my rig and i went wheelin and replaced drivers side cv shaft and bearings
  15. its still sticks a taad to far out in relation to where it needs to be idk why but its starting to get annoying:mad:
  16. so i did this over the weekend, works fine but for some reason i cant get the pulleys to line up right even after grinding the spacer i cant really figure it out is there something im missing?
  17. agreed man drive it i got my 88 wagon for 300 bones and its got an auto with oushbutton for crapsake but i love it!
  18. and this one, 88 gl sedan with cherry bomb right after the y pipe, and a 2 inch 90 deg turnout to the side, with a 2.5 inch pipe after the bend to just ahead of the rear wheel Watch this from 8:00 min to hear the car i like the sound of that one thanks alot miles for the help
  19. thanks miles, was sorta lookin at going the cherry bomb route, anyone have any vids with a mod like this i could hear?
  20. lookin for a new exhaust for my ea82 wagon looking for somehing that gives it that throaty boxer sound anyone know of anything good?? i did some searching here but couldnt exactly find what i was after any suggestions or help would be appreciated
  21. did the alternator swap on the wagon. and went to do the front wheel bearings took the knuckle to napa to have the bearings pressed, the press slipped ended up marring the cage and putting a few flat spots on the bearings themselves. im car-less right now and its sorta lame
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