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l75eya last won the day on September 29 2024

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About l75eya

  • Birthday 10/13/1987

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    Hoboken, NJ
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  • Vehicles
    93 Loyale, 87 GL.

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  1. l75eya


    Happy new year! We're gonna force em! Can you believe it? Legit 8 Ply LT 13 inch tires 🤣 these are amazing I can't wait to mount em up.
  2. l75eya


    She tows! Not a truck? Ppdffffffttttt! Also, that cavalier was friggin MINT. 36K miles, white interior in perfect shape, even had the little cavalier cassette in the glove box with all the other original documentation.
  3. Keep it rolling! And if you ever take it off the road and want to donate it to science, I'll gladly stuff that H6 in my brat 😂
  4. Wow! Talk about crunch time but I'll tell ya what; the truck looks a f-in treat, mate, hats off to you! Real good! Get home safe, sounds like a radical time 👍🏻
  5. l75eya


    The only things there earlier than the brats (87 and 85) were a 68 360 car and a 70 360 van, neither of which I got photos of I don't think. Also Travis Pastrana's wagon started life as an 83 GL I think, does that count? Haha
  6. l75eya


    Look what the BRAT drug home DOHC EJ25. Free 99. Couldn't pass that up. So, throw it on an engine stand, rip the heads off and throw on a set of EJ22 heads? Who knows what about frankenmotors? Use single port EJ22 heads? Dual port? Does it matter? I'll have to do some homework but maybe that engine will make it's way into the brat 🤔 Boxerfest was in my area! Loaded the family into the Legacy wagon (rooftop carrier and all) and I hopped into the brat and we headed out! Met up with the guy I sold my old Impreza to (I really liked that car!) and he had his super rare JDM WRX out too! This is the only picture I got of my old black Impreza and his WRX The line to the entrance gate: Got to park the brat in the OFF-ROAD parking area (it seems like it was an area that was supposed to have more overland style rigs). I only saw one other BRAT there! I bought a pass to run the BRAT on the Dyno but unfortunately I ran out of time and had to leave before I could have it make any pulls. ☹️ Saw a real GRAVEL EXPRESS! I don't know if those are the wheels they came with but those are the same ones I have on my legacy! Also got to see Travis Pastrana absolutely whip the "family huckster" around the autocross track. This vehicle is absolutely bonkers. Love the active aero on this thing and that they used the old school Subaru logo on there 👍🏻
  7. l75eya


    Did more truck stuff. Found some first Gen stuff: Carpet (washing it here) Seats (little man helped me clean these up, they didn't need much!) Hacked the seats into the car, first. I say hacked because unbeknownst to me the rails mount over an inch closer together on the 1st Gen seats than the are in the 2nd gens. Also because the person I got the seats from had two sets of these and both of the drivers seats were torn but the passenger seats were equally immaculate. So I bought both passenger seats and dealt with the issue of mounting a passenger seat on the driver's side when the time came. 🤷‍♂️ Don't think they look too shabby The old carpet was pretty much toast so naturally I did everything rump roast backwards and hacked in the 1st Gen carpet AFTER I already hacked in the seats, which meant I had to take the seats out again. 🤫 I say hack in because absolutely nothing about the 1st Gen and 2nd Gen carpet is the same. But I got that sh** in there and, again, if I do say so myself, it ain't looking so bad methinks I gotta point something out here That seat right there 👆🏿? That's the absolute most comfortable (bucket) seat I have ever sat in. It's incredible. Couldn't be happier and a hell of an improvement over the blown out OG seats that came with it or the equally blown out (but less duck-taped) legacy seats the previous owner had put in it. Also got a set of Jackmans but I gotta clean them up. Do they fit on 2nd gens? Hope so! Nothing else has lol In other news the vacuum advance line keeps on falling off and the gas tank has started leaking when I fill it up 💪🏿 Thank you all for checking out my thread. Until next time!
  8. l75eya


    I mean, it's a truck; 8.5" Chevy 10 bolt rear, two FWD ea 5 speeds, one D/R ea 5 speed, 2 axles (think they're ej rears) an ej25 intake manifold, and a 97 Impreza L rear differential = Carolina squat BRAT. What's that, maybe 700lbs? 500? I don't know but it's definitely the most I've put back there yet. I need to look at the rear brakes. Noises. I'm going to have to come up with some type of quick disconnect to mount the seats in the back. They're a little annoying when you're trying to load stuff, would be way more ideal if they were easily removable. I would also like to fit some type of bench seat setup in the cab, maybe from an old Nissan hard body or a Mazda or something. Would be nice to be able to squeeze 3 people in the cab on occasion if the need is there. #dreams Put a good 400 miles on it over the course of 2 days last weekend. Averages 29 mpg on the highway super consistently. It'll do 90 which is about where it is here (via GPS) noticed the speedo gets inaccurate about at about 75 maybe they never thought it would be there 🤣🤣 It's way happier cruising in the 70-75 mph range, that seems to be a good happy spot for it. Anything over 3500 rpm is a bit excessive. There's been a heat wave here in the northeast and I gotta say cruising on the highway with the sliding window open, the t tops out, and the windows down with the music cranked is pretty awesome.
  9. When you keep burning through relays and things are getting hot the problem is not the relays lol You probably have something(s) wired incorrectly or you have a short(s) somewhere.
  10. l75eya


    One of these things is not like the others 🤣 Not much time lately but haven't forgotten about the thread. Just been driving her. Nearly 2k miles into my ownership. Put 2 new axles in up front. Riding in the back is terrifying. More updates when I can. Cheers and thank you for looking.
  11. There's a feller selling an exhaust for an ea71 from the exhaust ports on the head back. I have an ea81 and I was wondering if I can make this work Thanks in advance for any advice on the matter, or if anybody has a solid y pipe from the heads back past the collector 🤣
  12. l75eya


    Man, my first repair work on the brat and it beat me up good. Set out to change both front strut mounts, both front axles, and a couple front struds. I had about 4 hours to get this all done. (I am a mechanic by trade and I have 2 and 4 post lifts at my disposal) I got one strut mount changed out and half way through an axle job before I ran out of time 🤦 The first strut beat me up the whole time trying to get the spring compressed enough to take the mount off. I do have an awesome shop I work out of and a LOT of tools, but I do not have a very nice strut spring compressor (those floor mounted joints are awesome) and all I had was the typical 2 jaw jobber with the forcing bolt. I hate compressing strut springs. I value my life and I have a very acute respect for the amount of energy stored in a compressed spring. And these are rusty 36 year old springs 🫣 So that took awhile. But I got that completely busted strut mount replaced so now I don't have to worry about very bad things possibly happening at speed when the suspension is unloaded over bumps. Also got to really oil up the adjusting bolts on the struts that change the ride height, so that's good as well. Until next time 550ish miles in now. Thinking of getting a set of 205/60/13 bfgs to throw on. Concerned about the width of the rims though. I don't know if 205s on 5.5" (I think) wide will work or not. Or if they'll rub. It's the only 13" white letter tire I can find. I'd *really* like a set of outlined white letters. Hmmm.
  13. l75eya


    The calmasters I actually had gotten from a member on here and I got them for a STEAL of a price because the gentleman quoted me a price including shipping that turned out to be way less than the actual cost to ship them (I think they came from Alaska but I could be wrong) but the person was a man of their word and wouldn't accept any more money or just give up the transaction all together either. They sold them to me for what I'm sure was quite a loss and I definitely appreciated that. I originally got them for my GL/Loyale (Leone) cars, but they wound up getting parked and I didn't want these to rust so I pulled them and put them in the basement. My understanding is they were a limited run of 4x140 wheels made by an aftermarket company out of California. Come to find the BRAT is a California model as well so they kinda seem fitting on there. I don't know. We'll see. Thanks for all the kind words
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