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Everything posted by l75eya

  1. Won't run, but I'm going to turn it over but hand tomorrow and check it with the scope.
  2. My niece has a 97 Impreza that is binding bad in turns. I'm much more of an old gen guy so I'm learning here (as well with the outback I posted about that's at the shop I work at and with the ej18 I'm resealing to put in my Loyale). So far I can give this information: No trans codes At temp light flashes at startup and then goes out (assuming this is normal?) Checked for power at the FWD fuse holder and one side is hot. When I place a fuse in the holder I then have no power across the fuse(at least not with a test light) When the car has bind in the drivetrain and you put it in park and shut it off, as soon as you shut off the engine the car will roll a little (as if the bind is being released I'm imagining) Trans fluid clean and full. Gear oil clean and full. I also read somewhere that the car should have a FWD light that comes on in the instrument panel, but with a flashlight I see no light like that, and nothing comes on when the fuse is in the FWD holder The fuse in the FWD holder has no effect. Car is still AWD locked. I'm welcome to all suggestions I would love to get this fixed. I was thinking maybe the clutch packs are shot but why does it seem to release when the car is shut off? Thanks in advance for all replies! This is a 97 ej22 single exhaust port motor, 4eat trans.
  3. Sorry I haven't worked on this car in a few days now. Customer had it towed in so I don't know about recent fueling. Ether with the backfire is a bad idea, but I tried it anyway and it went as expected (boom). I'll check the codes tomorrow I can't remember what they were last time I pulled them. I do know this car has a blown headgasket and they've been driving it like this for a few months now. I can see a sticking valve doing this, I'll have to break out the camera and look. If the exhaust valve is stuck that would explain my backfire and the good compression. Thanks for the ideas, I'll keep this updated.
  4. Okay, this is a customer's car that I've been trying to diagnose for a few days now. quad cam 2.5, 1996 legacy. Assuming it's an ej25D (Pardon me I'm more of an old school EA guy) Anyway, I've checked compression on both pass cyls and the front driver's side cyl. All checkout (+120 PSI) I have spark on those 3 cyls as well. I've checked the timing using the attached diagram, all that checks out. Now the alignment marks that point to eachother on the intake and exhaust cams are off a little bit, but I've read that that's normal and the tooth count is correct. So I'm stumped . It will occasionally fire on what sounds like 2 cylinders, and while cranking when I let off the starter it will also occasionally backfire out the intake. I'm under the impression that even if that last cylinder had zero compression and/or fuel/spark, it should still fire up and run on 3. I can't get it to run but for maybe half a second, and very seldom. Looking for some direction here, thanks in advance.
  5. Hey I'm sorry to hear that and wish her well. Have yourself a safe trip. Where abouts in Pennsylvania will you be?
  6. Were any Loyales available with dual range or did they just get push button?
  7. What ratio rear end is in your car. Should have a tag on it.
  8. My mistake! That's what I get for shying away from here for so long! I forget!
  9. Scrapped. Damn shame, too. Here's the story! It's involved lol I sold the car to a guy out here in Pennsylvania. He was going to give it to his daughter as a first car. Turns out the car had a rebuilt title unbeknownst to me. See when I bought the car myself, from New York, I brought the title to Jersey where I was living at the time and had the title transferred to my name. It was at this point that the lady that was processing my title was supposed to realize that the car had a salvage title and let me know that I have to take the car to get an enhanced safety inspection completed before New Jersey would issue me a certified reconstructed title. She was supposed to do this. She did not do this. To my absolute luck (at the time) and to this future buyers dismay. See what happened was the woman that processed my title at the DMV blatantly skipped over the whole reconstruction thing, in typical NJ inattention to detail, both saving me the headache of having to go through that process, yet also keeping me in the dark to the cars title status. I thought it was just an ordinary title and the P/O never told me the car was declared totaled. So fast forward a year later. I sell the car, sign the title, dude goes to title it, Pennsylvania notices it's a reconstruct, notifies the new owner that they have to have the car put through enhanced inspection! New buyer tells me, I tell him I had no idea (I didn't) and offer his money back. He says it's no problem and he'll just have it inspected. It fails. For lots of things. He never gets it fixed, it sits and sits at my job (I work at a garage) and dude never does a thing with it. A year later landlord demands all non use cars get hauled away. Boss notifies dude that car has to go. Dude says just scrap it. Boss offers it to me for scrap price. Being that I can still register it in Jersey, I'm tempted, but I really can't afford 4 cars on my policy so I pass. I TRIED to find a buyer in NJ but the logistics made it difficult. So that's the story there. That's the only car I've ever had that I did absolutely ZERO maintainance to and drove the piss out of, and it took it like a champ. That car really ran really really good with God knows how old oil and plugs and wires and... It was just a beast. Damn shame. Oh well. C'est la vie, RIP Angry Olds.
  10. Well I'm at 112k now. The EJ I got to drop in has new headgaskets installed, gotta reassemble the engine now. Put my old front bumper from my 87 GL (damn I miss that car) on today. Much nicer look. Also installed the fender liners the previous owner removed, put on the skid plate from my old 87, rebalanced and rotated the tires. Gotta get my old 87s instrument cluster up to 112k with a drill and then I'll be swapping that in so I have oil pressure and amp gauges. Can't wait to get that EJ in.
  11. Have fun! Boxer engines look like coffee tables when the intake is off and the motor is on an engine stand. If you ever go for different rims, keep me in mind with those! ????
  12. Got some stuff I've been procrastinating with done on the tin can finally. Put the 87 GL bumper on Tuesday replace the stock (faded, scarred) Loyale bumper. Glad they interchange. Last bolt had to start spinning the (no longer) captive nut so I had to weld it back in place. It's done though. Also threw on the skid plate from the GL onto him, reinstalled the inner fender liners the PO had removed, and rebalanced and rotated the tires! Now all that's left is to swap out the Loyale cluster for the one from the GL with the oil and amp gauges. Gotta match the odometer first though. Then finally get that EJ in there. Put the heads back in that today, too!
  13. That is beautiful. I love how they predict the trans temp light coming on. It's not an "if" the light comes on, it's "when" lol. Back on track though, now that we have that all sorted out, details and such, just seeing if the wheels spin when it's in the air isn't the best way to tell if it's working or not. Does this car have a diff lock?
  14. And it's gone. Oh well. Never did give it a tune up or even changed it's oil. Good car. Sad to see it go.
  15. DL had spfi motor? Either way is your only problem bad fuel economy?
  16. Are we absolutely positive this is a 4eat transmission we're talking about? Those were fairly rare transmissions to have in these cars. Can we get a pic of your gear shift?
  17. I wonder if there's anyway you can bolt on a carb intake and carburetor just to drive it home..
  18. This is interesting. You guys we bored on NYE huh! Haha. Honestly though, this is very intriguing to follow. Wish I could help but I'm enjoying the thread!
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