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Everything posted by JWX

  1. I think it would be easy, just take a hatchback and cut the ************ out of it
  2. I think they got the EA82 styled ones earlier down under
  3. I've been watching these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7949894382 on ebay for awhile now and I can't really see a place fro them to go. just wanted to pass them on
  4. the EA82 won't fit, or won't fit with out some massaging? I wish milesfox would look at this, I think he swapped out the xmember from an EA82 on an EA81, but I can't find the post. I figure it it would bolt up might as well do it, right?
  5. the EA82 stuff is bigger, not by a lot but they're bigger. I think anyways
  6. lets say I put the crossover/header pipe and turbo from an EA82 on an EA81, and use an SPFI manifold with a couple more injectors (or use EA81T heads btu I doubt I can find any of those down here) what else do I have to do? prolly just tap in to a cooling port, and get oil to it some how, right? I'll use a mgea squirt&EDIS for it so that shouldn't be a problem. then I'll prolly need a crossmember too won't I, hmm anybody know it a coupe crossmember would bolt on to a hatch? or maybe use a EA82 crossmember.
  7. that might work but I heard that the stock injectors are already at something like a 80% duty cycle. don't remember where thou so take that with a grain of sand
  8. Will hasn't had a wide band or anything else hooked up, as far as I know.
  9. just poke a hole in the throttle cable grommet use a pick or something and be careful.
  10. JWX

    Fess up!

    why not just go with the EJ 4EAT?
  11. well normally I get around 8 or so, but today it was 6
  12. I'm not taking it to the dealer. Wouldn't the check engine light still be on if there was something wrong? cause the light is off and its not really doing anything odd now. hell after it did this today everything was fine, except that it is only boosting like 6psi now. but I don't think it is related? and yes is was WJMs at one time.
  13. Ok so I go out to start it and I crank it over, it starts like is usually does and then the RPMs drop and it dies. does this three more times till it starts normally, than after it warms up the lifters start ticking (god I hate that) and I give it some gas (usually stops after that) and the check engine light comes on, so I cut the engine off and start it back up and no check engine light, didn't do anything odd when I was driving it around, didn't do anything odd when the check engine light was on.
  14. I am thinking about moving on from my hatch and EA81s, it’s been bugging me for a long while now and I think I've finely decided to do it. It needs a lot of work to be what I wanted it to be, and with both of my RX's need about the same; I won't have time/money for it as well. So I'm prolly going to start collecting parts to put in back in stock shape (I am pretty sure I just need the front bumper) but that will come a little later on this month. Just wanted to share this somebody (people?) who would care. (mods if this is too off topic for you I'm sorry and you can move it)
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