My 90 year old mother-in-law passed out driving her creampuff 2003, 20,000 mile Legacy Wagon into her underground garage. She woke up "a few seconds later" to find car t-boned into a pillar with her foot still down hard on the gas, engine running. Body damage was fixed, grandma turned over her keys, and I took the car for a spin. Uh oh!! On moderate acceleration from dead stop, "heavy thump thump thump" coming from below. Car taken to dealer who diagnoses VC damage, but has yet to open it up. Let's say the VC is toast. Insurance will cover it, but what ELSE could have been damaged? Automatic transmissing? cv joints or universal joints? drive shafts? I want to make sure anything that could have been damaged is inspected and fixed now, because the insurance adjuster is always coming up with "Well, we want to make sure these damages are caused by the accident, not part of normal wear and tear"
Thanks in advance!!