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Everything posted by darthsoob

  1. Much as I would like to Webberize I don't know that the car would pass emissions, the cost of conversion vs. kit rebuild and what to do will all the vacumn lines kinda has me going toward rebuild. Sorry. As for the model number I saw something on the back of the float bowl but the three digits I saw didn't match any kit numbers. I will have to pull off the air cleaner and take a better look at the front of the bowl. Thanks!
  2. I have to to a rebuild on my hitachi 2 barrel carb for my 87 brat but I for the life of me can't find the carb model number. I saw something on the back side of the float bowl that appeared to be silkscreened but I thought the model number would have been engraved. Where should I look?
  3. Just got my 87 Brat back from the shop and they said I need to have the carb (Hitachi) rebuilt. So If I were to go all through that I was wondering about swapping over to a Weber. 1). Would it pass WA state emissions? 2). Would it work with a factory cruise control or would I have to junk that? 3). Is there a SIMPLE guide out there to show me how all the vacumn lines and crap have to be either rerouted or capped? Anyone with an opinion please chime in!
  4. Well, I fill it with gas treatment and hose the bejesus out of the rest of it and it ran great. However the same problem did come back. It only seems to do it after it has warmed up. Hhmmm. Anyone?
  5. While driving down the highway when I have to slow down for say getting off at the offramp or stop and go traffic I put in the clutch to take it out of gear and the RPMs just drop out and the engine dies. It will start up with no problem but as you can imagine it'a a pain you know where! If I can keep the gas going without rear ending the car in front of me I'm good to go. Don't think it's the filter cause I replaced that a few months back, no sign of vacumn line leak or unplug. Anyone have any hints? Thanks All! PS. 87 Brat hitachi carb
  6. Well I was finally able to replace the two filters and it did the trick. Thanks to all who took the time to help!
  7. I do have one of the EA81 long style pushbars but like everyone is saying you would have to adapt it. I had a guy interested in buying it earlier, problem is it would cost more to ship it than the cost of the pushbar itself. I would have to agree that your best bet overall is to have one fabed. Good luck!
  8. My little Brat has picked up a cough. It runs just great all through town and on the highway, however when I try to up a hill it starts to miss. The steeper the hill the more it coughs. I looked for vacuum leaks and found the vac advance was bad and replaced it. Still coughing up on the hills though. This weekend I am going to replace all the old vacuum lines, new plugs, cap and rotor and do the timing. My question to the board is this; is there anything else I should look for? Any typical problems this might fit? Thanks to all who take the time to look!
  9. Wel, l I can open one of the ducts and fish out some of the needles with a homemade vacumn attachment, too narrow to get a hand in, but it won't get the needles that have already plugged the core. Was just curious if someone had a trick.
  10. 87 BRAT with a fully functional heater however pine needles have invaded. Anyone out there have an easy fix that does not involve pulling the core? Thanks all!
  11. Well another life lesson learned. Maybe a board member in the area can use it.
  12. OK, still bummed but at least now I know better. I'll probably junk the idea of fixing the slop in the shifter, at least for now. I almost wonder if drilling out the trans shifter rod and inserting a stainless steel drilled plug would do any good. Just an idea. Kudos on the tranny mount! Of course now I'll be spooked to look at my trans and discover its mounts have pancaked as well. By the way, what did the yard charge you for the 82 mounts?
  13. Well now I'm bummed. I was hoping to do that fix and I find out from the author or the text no less it wears out. Don't you think the set screw thing will wear out as well? Wonder how much a new shifter is? By the way, went to Lowes and got sections of tubing at various diameters. When the rest of my parts come in, I should be able to make one of them work. Spent about a buck versus the $30 Subaru wanted.
  14. GD, Did you already try this shifter fix? <http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/80s/mi...hifterFix.html> I a hoping not because I was going to try it after I found all the parts for the bushing repairs. I would hate to find out it didn't do any good. Maybe I'll have to see if it's possible to order a new shifter. I wonder if it's possible to find some sort of sleeve to fit between the two. Maybe use a drill press to reem out the shifter so that a sleeve could be used.
  15. Actually I was planning on going through the plumbing department this weekend to see if I could find something similar. So far the shifter is working well enough but I thought I still might try to find some sort of void filler and I also read on the board last night how to tighten up the bracket. Hit the gold mine....well almost!
  16. GD, Did find out that I have in fact identified the part. Bad news is on the Subaruparts.com it lists as no longer available. "Good" news, the cheapest is $30. Got any more of those sleeves? Thanks for the input! I knew I could count on the board! Darth
  17. Hi all, went to replace all the shifter bushings, etc on my 87 Brat, 4 spd, dual range, and when I finally got near the end, of course, I noticed I didn't have a replacement piece. The one missing was a white nylon sleeve, about 1" tall, that sat down in the socket joint of the tranny that held the bottom of the shifter lever. Guess it acted as a spacer for the shifter. Went to two dealers and it doesn't even show up in their books, at least not on the shifter page. I did happen to see something that MIGHT be what I'm looking for on the page that showed the transmission extension for the 4wd models but I was hoping to get feedback from any of you that may have run accross this. By chance does anyone know what the part number is or where to find it? Second, the U fork that is roll-pinned to the transmission shifter rod, should that have a spacer or bushing of some kind? Mine seems to be a bit sloppy. Or is this an intended thing? Thanks to anyone who can help!
  18. To all those who would venture an opinion, I think I have a leak from the driveshaft end of the transaxle (2nd Gen Brat, EA81 manual trans/ 4WD). My question is simply, is this an easy fix? Can I drop the driveshaft and get at the bad seal to replace it or will it require any special tools, tricks or new Four Letter Words? Thanks, Brian
  19. If a Subaru model was a Brat in the US, a Brumby in Australia, what was it called in Japan? (no, I don't know)
  20. I finally managed to get my hands on a pushbar but I have no idea what the foward hanger supports are supposed to look like. Rather than waste two whole weekends and any other parts of my anatomy, I would like to ask those of you out there who already have a short style if you could send me a drawing with all the appropriate measurements, etc. Here's hoping to hear from you! Thanks, Brian
  21. Thanks, Shawn. I looked it up on Subaruparts.com and they wanted $57 for it. 1st Soob didn't even have a listing for it. Any other sources you know of? Thanks!
  22. Does anyone out there know the part number for the stop light checker for an 87 Brat? I don't have access to any part sheets. Thanks!
  23. I just saw a listing for <http://www.newsubaru.com> that someone on the board highly recommended. I also know about <subaruparts.com> and <1stsubaruparts.com>. I have tried all three and was just curious if anyone knew of any others. The thing that bothers me about all three of the aforementioned is the fact that you have to know the part number, but they do not have anyway for a person to look it up themselves.
  24. Just looked but didn't see any diagrams. Did I miss something?
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