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Everything posted by LeviBrutal

  1. I honestly want to get the FT86 or Toyobaru but I want Subaru's hatchback version!
  2. Hopefully I will have built enough credit to get like a yaris something economical since gas is almost $4.00 a gallon
  3. Well wierdly I had no rear brake pads when we went to fix my rear wheel cylinder and no one down south has rear pads any other vehicle pads might work?
  4. I know there is tons of different kits but was curious on the websites or info on BJ Lift Kits and JAW lift kits or if there is any other brands. I tried searching but my phone is lame and can't type in to some fields. Much appreciated.
  5. Yeah that is whatf I was planning on going with and eventually do some sort of drivetrain swap, I tried looking at what rear ends, transmission, and like suspension components can be retrofited mostly looking at axles and control arms that I could bolt in to get a wider wheelbase. Also would do a motor swap looking into EJ20 to stay turboed or EJ25 for NA fun and just do basic bolt ons and spec for good low end torque. Also my car is a bucket but I like it. It has some rust but pretty well taken care of.
  6. I will try to post them from my phone and yeah I am trying to look for as much information possible mostly just 5LUG swap and drivetrain swap and a giant lift cause my GF wants it lifted where I prefer stuff lowered lol, but thank you for the welcome.
  7. I also only get around $230MPG in my 87 GL-10 but I did a lot of routine maintenance so hopefully I get better and I try to stay out of boost. Also where did you get those wheels?
  8. Hi I bought a 94 Honda Civic for $500 and my XBOX 360 and traded that for a 1987 Subaru GL-10 and couldn't be happier. I live in Texas and have never seen another one around and my co-workers call it the slab wagon. Just want to say thank you and hope to have fun here on USMB!
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