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Everything posted by 2.5LOYALE

  1. when i converted my original S/R push button 4WD to a dual range i connected everything but the two "mystery" wires and had no issues with not having the 2 mystery wires connected, just capped them off and to this day there just doing that.. nothing. if they are for the neutral safety switch wich light does it use? if anything it would just be a complete circut for the switch maybe? hope this helps. i even went the extra step since the 4wd low light is not connected on a stock loyale without the D/R 4wd transmission from the factory. we went through pulled the instrument cluster out tapped into the 4wd low light and ran constant power through the keyed power supply. everything works great even without the 2 mystery wires connected. hope this helps you some>
  2. when i converted my original S/R push button 4WD to a dual range i connected everything but the two "mystery" wires and had no issues with not having the 2 mystery wires connected, just capped them off and to this day there just doing that.. nothing. if they are for the neutral safety switch wich light does it use? if anything it would just be a complete circut for the switch maybe? hope this helps. i even went the extra step since the 4wd low light is not connected on a stock loyale without the D/R 4wd transmission from the factory. we went through pulled the instrument cluster out tapped into the 4wd low light and ran constant power through the keyed power supply. everything works great even without the 2 mystery wires connected. hope this helps you some>
  3. u should have a package :)

  4. projector headlights.... where you getting those im curious about those also :)

  5. lasted a year? the bulbs or the ballast themselves? just curious?? thanks agian

  6. hey saw you had the HID Headlight upgrade wich brand did you end up going with?

    im thinking of picking up a setup and was curious what you had done

  7. you didnt put a last name so i made u chris webber...so when u sign use that name..tracking number is 468639615162560 fedex thanks again...threw those door switch covers in for ya...so now maybe u owe me 1.lol

  8. ill ship your hooked up box today...:)

  9. I got one thats good on the front doors and both the back ones

    so if the back doors fit the front i can make a set

  10. I can look...ill let u know

  11. ill send it wed or thursday. Those,r the only days I have off .. Work all day from 7_7 plus school I will throw in the other corner lens for the delay? Sound good?

  12. Probley wednesday or thursday..ill throw in the other corner lens for the inconvience. Sound good?

  13. not yet will soon...sorry for the delay been super busy with school wiil ship it out soon sorry again

  14. Will Ship out ur goodies as soon as possible... Thanks agian

  15. Ill post them on the forum post tonight

  16. Hey man just let me know if u still want that deal....pm me and ill figure shipping

  17. hey bill i just wanted to let you know that that dual range i picked up from you works great. no problems at all. just got done hooking up the Lo 4wd and Hi 4wd lights last night and also the reverse light switch. had to make a custom harness but looks great. thanks agian

  18. These will bolt up to a ej 2.5 swapped 92 loyale wagon withthe stock ej cat?
  19. Pm me with a price shipped to 98248 ...4 stainless and well deal
  20. R u bringing to wcss? If so when is it....? What's the difference between the 2?
  21. ************ yea.... Shipping to 98248 Put me down for 1
  22. any new info on Dual port headers......... waiting in anticipation.
  23. Shipped ...be at your doorstep soooon...

  24. ill be shipping out that driveline thursday... double checked it...carrier bearing good and drivelines good.. thanx agian and if you get a sec check out my pics just got them up...

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