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Everything posted by 2.5LOYALE

  1. Thanks for the input...can't wait to get my freshly rebuilt dual range I'm my beast just had to make sure it was straight bolt up.. thanks again guys... usmb 4 life
  2. I have a 92 push button 4WD loyale that I am going to swap the transmission to a 5 spd dual range that in having redone at sunset transmission. I am just looking for any advice from people who have done this swap before on what needs to be done particularly the shift control I think 2 have to widen the tunnel any advice is appreciated...
  3. there are some 205/60/16's at my work that look like they might fit with a 2 inch lift.
  4. ok i have a 92 loyale wagon ej swapped 2.5, etc, etc. i have these rims wich are a 16 inch rim by 6.5 Wide, picked them up at beacon battery here in the pnw. set of 4:clap: I want to run these rims on this car. wich is stock as far as supension and rims and tires obviously im gona get the six lug conversion but i need to know how big of tires i should run on these rims. my original plan is to run a 2 inch lift from sjr but i would be willing to go 4". i just want to run the stock suspension and struts . i am mainly looking for just the bigger tire size not necessarily full time off road. any suggestion or pics of wagons on 16s would be great........... as always waiting for your input..thanx guys:popcorn:
  5. found this on rock auto is this it? 107 $ KYB EUROPE Part # 341232 Excel-G; Mounting Type: Bottom eye, Top pin; Front Axle; Twin-Tube; Type: Gas Pressure - Non-stock item--shipping delayed up to 2 business days http://www.rockauto.com/dbphp/x,catalog,407,partnum,341232,d,KYB_EUROPE_341232.html
  6. It seems they don't make the kyb part # anymore... here in the states ..can't track it . where did u get it from?
  7. her are some pics of that door

  8. does it matter what engine on a 1998 4Runner...and is there any 2wd 4 runners of this era?
  9. replaced my core.....worx great.... would do the same:popcorn:
  10. Does the stock 92 loyal 4wd wagon master cylinder have enough pressure to run a dual disc brake setup? The car is front disc and rear drum setup stock. Got a chance to pick up a rear disc setup wanna make sure its gonna work properly. 2.5Loyale......
  11. Im looking to pick up a full 4" lift kit from sjr and was wondering if anybody has any pictures or expirence with the lifts. Everythang sound good and quality is there just looking for imput and suggestions.
  12. How much would you pay? everythang is for sale for the right price

  13. ey whats up man, i am currently looking for an upgraded fuel pump and i came accross online that you have upgraded up ea82t. in your post it said u used a walbro 255lph pump was just curious on what specific one you would have used. anywho any help would be cool thanx again man. you can pm me if ya want



  14. the only issue i am having is when i start the vehicle after sitting the idle jumps up to 3 thousand rpms and stays there with the car not in gear. the only other symptom is when on heavy acceleration i am getting a sputter or not so consistant pull. no matter what gear. the car runs fine but is having trouble somewhere on acceleration. i dont think i is the transmission.
  15. i am looking to comfirm some information. did an engine swap in a 92 loyale 4wd wagon with a 2.5l out of an 02 impreza rs. from the info i got the stock loyale fuel pump pushes 28-33 on pressure. and the impreza runs about 43 on fuel pressure stock in there respective vehicles. i am haveing some issues when giving her juice and it seems the fuel pump is not pushing enough pressure when needed. fuel pressure has been tested when running to ensure its only pusing 30 psi. i am looking to upgrade to a 50 psi fuel pump, anybody done a upgraded fuel pump before? or had this issure. thanx guys if anybody can confirm these specs that would be some useful information.................help...
  16. ok so here is what i got. i swapped a 02 impreza 2.5l into my 92 4wd loyale wagon. had a subaru tech intall the ecu and everything. The car runs and drives fine. but lately i have noticed a lagging and sometime shuttering of my engine upon acceleration. i have replaced the c.v. axels and front lower ball joints the driveline train is as tight as can be. but here is the wierd part. about a month into the swap my car was having a rough time starting somethimes taking two runs of the starter to finally start. when it does start though the idle bobbels up and down and even some times dies out. this is more evident when the car is cold started. when warmed up it doesnt have as hard of a time. and even warm the cars idle will drop down to 400 rps or so. so my assumption would be the fuel pump, or the fuel pressure regulator would be the culprit. i have tried replacing the fuel filter but with no luck. so i am just curious if someone could give me some insight that has had some experince with the subaru loyale wagon or later gen. subarus ea82/s. thanx and just out of curiosity where is the fuel pump and pressure regulator located on a 92 subaru loyale 4wd wagon exactly?
  17. here is what i have going on. just swapped an ej 2.5 into my loyale wagon . my front passenger axle boot has been cracked and splitting since i got the car a year ago when it had the original 1.8L SPFI still sitting in it . its bad enought as to when im driving around now and the car gets warmed up its flinging grease all over the back side of my motor . but here is the weird part. when i have it in just front wheel drive i get a shakey acceleration. when i put the car in 4wd it does it much less on acceleration but when coming down in rpm's in any gear i get a "raaa, raa, raa" sound from around the c.v. axle are when im in the car, and i also get a wierd winding noise! but as soon as i take it out of gear and coast nothing. The Transmission has got a brand new xt6 clutch and had no leaks when the engine went in. i cant remember if it did this when i drove it stock with the 1.8l because it has been a long time inbetween projects. im assuming that this is probley the c.v axle failing because the lack of grease with the c.v. joints. These are original subaru c.v axles and they have almost 200000 miles on them. but before i got out and spend my hard earned money from the MAN ! I wanna see if anybody else has had this problem or can assure me that its probley the c.v. axles...........THANX..
  18. just looking to see who is in bellingham or real close surrounding area and what type of subaru they roll out on. kind of interested in starting a subaru club up here. if your from the PNW hit up this thread and lets start something. MY car is a 92 2.5 Loyale........what's u got?
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