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Posts posted by Danny88GL

  1. what i ended up doing was by passing the dimmer


    and wiring in an LED, which i mounted by drilling a whole in the

    bottom of the dashboard area, and put a small peice of tape over

    the glass to keep ti from glaring at me..


    Now i have a blue LED dash backlighs. it's kind of cool. I wanted red

    but then it would have possible drowned out any red warning lights..


    which remnds me, my CEL is on lol

  2. Man.. I think i need a right rear shock (it's a shock right not a strut?)


    I wanted some rear air shocks since I have 2 WD and I want to add a hitch


    just for some minimal towing (4x8 with 500 pounds on it)


    So I was looking for some air shocks but couldnt' find any new. I had some

    on my old malibu and loved em.


    Anyone know if i can put rear air shocks on my 2wd 88 GL wagon? and hopefully a part number?

  3. well being that I think my dash board light dimmer switch went out (and it can't just be bypassed?) I remembered I had bought 3 LED lights from autozone on clearance for $1.95. So I opened my dash up (for some reason the right side dashboard far right side where hte heater vent was didn't want to come out and i didn't want to pry it too hard) and anyway I disassembled the dash enough to merely slip in an LED on the left side behind the plastic window.

    I put a piece of electrical tape to hide it from glaring at me, and angled it

    pretty good. It actually looks kind of cool. I also plugged it into the dimmer

    switches connector so I didnt' have to add any extra wiring, it's fused on

    the proper circuit.. and can hold me over until I happen to come across

    another dimmer switch.


    Also happened to have a radio with cool LED face, so my 88GL looks ricer-ish in the dark lol. Has a cockpit feel to it now. (yes it sticks out from the bezel)


    And finally I think I solved my roof rattling noise, the front left roof rack row had a loose front tab, so i shoved some electrical tape under it to serve as a buffer and that rattling is gone. So i'm happy.


    Oh yea and changed the rear brake shoes (after an old shoe broke in half {just the brake material, not the steel} and temporarily locked up the back wheel last week).


    cockpit looks better than the pics but hey i'll upload them anyway.





  4. Sounds like you are pretty much in the same boat Im in.


    Love the car, hate the tire selection due to wheels.


    By far the cheapest and easiest route to fix it is to run 6-lug wheels with a couple of extra holes drilled in the wheels to bolt to the 4-lug hubs.


    The wheels are steel wheels, that fit 6 lug Toyotas and Chevys


    This gets you 15" wheels, the tire selection you want, and doesnt require you to modify the vehicle at all.


    A small lift is recommended though, and will free up even more of a tire selection.


    With all that said, right now there are still some sweet 15" 4-lug wheels in the classifieds on this forum for sale. The best of both worlds in my opinion, but you pay for it.


    pay for it? wheel costs? or gas usuage? or what?

  5. So you want to sell me some parts? i want the wheels, the motor, the body, the drive train, and the windows and doors. and I have $5. Just kidding.


    I learned something from this thread, if there's an accident, turn on the cell phone video camera (mine will record at least an hour or 2). take video of the vehicle locations and damage, and then hold it at my side to use for like an audio recorder.. maybe catch the other driver saying something stupid like "i wasn't paying attention" and or "i'm sorry" and or "my fault"... or even "i'm not h urt i feel great"..


    If I were you, i'd try to get hte lady's address, and hopefully catch her going out to the club one weekend night, or to the gym, and get some pics, like hte previous poster in the thread did.


    One time I did the same thing, looking left assume the car had went. It did, but it stopped again, and boom. nor more than 15 mph. The lady driving was fine, her passenger was hooping and hollaring "my neck..my back..oooh aaah my neck" i could hear him from their car to mine. I knew he was full of crap becuase it wasn't that bad.. there was no damage to either car.


    It was around xmas time and I was on my way to hechts to take back a $50 trainset, so i told the lady (lying) I didn't have insurance or any money, but i have this train set that I was about to take back, you can have it if you just want to call it fair" she went and talked ot the passenger, and well Jesus must have been in that backseat, because he was healed, he stopped the hooping and hollaring, got up walked to the back and checked out the trainset and called it a deal". I was happy because I didn't want to stick around get a ticket from the cops and especially have anything added to my insurance with this idiot trying to bilk the system.


    Also my buddy had a similiar thing happen, only the lady sued him like a year later and there was hardly any damage ot her car, i think she sued like for a million dollars, and they settled on giving her 6 grand.


    So I kind of learned, to claim you don't have insurance or money to see if the person stops faking it. Hell if the video is running and they stop faking it, and then try to claim it again later, that'll go a long way to getting them to settle lol

  6. I have a feeling my dimmer switch is dead, although when i try to

    by pass it, a fuse blows I think. I'll have to try it again. (could have been

    related to my now technically unplugged cig lighter)


    Another thing is, the feedback/feel of the dimmer switch feels different,

    it used to have resistance, clicks, and an upper and lower edge stopping point

    and now it kind of freewheels no resistance.


    Hmm i wonder if the same one is in an imprezza i have access to. I'll have to check that out.

  7. I wish I had this problem.. my primary latch won't grab the hood

    and i've been stupidly riding with the secondary. Well enough

    of that nonsense, i'm going out into the cold to fix it right now.

    First thing, and highest priority on my todo list today, because

    in the unlikely (but too possible) event that the hood flies open

    and breaks my windshield on the highway, the other stuff

    on the todo list would probably get pushed back another day.

    screw that.

  8. You probably already knew the answer but didn't think about it..



    My guess is, ethanol. that old carb might have dried out of

    good ol clean gas, while you pump 10% ethanol into yours often,

    sometimes it may sit for a period of time.. and builds up.


    Ethanol is such a scam.

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