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Everything posted by Jessekrs123

  1. Bheinen, you are the man. I just went down to the dealer to get my Alt/WP belt and I had ordered the oil pump along with the 2 o-rings and a new gasket. The parts guy who works there has been there for well over 20 years and he says that he used to keep a ton of oil pumps in stock because the aluminum would be easily warped upon removal. Much appreciation. You guys are great.
  2. Wow that looks very nice. Where did you get the chrome rings? The car did come with those center caps, they just need to be cleaned up and they should look good. I won't be mounting my wheels until I register the car. Got the crank seal off and put in the new one. It is still leaking oil. Like bheinen said, it is possible that the oil pump cracked. I inspected it before putting it back on, and it seemed fine but at this point I am thinking that I probably missed the crack. Everything that deals with oil sealing at the front of the engine has been re-sealed, so I will be removing the oil pump and looking closely for any cracks. Thanks for all of your help fellas, it is very much appreciated.
  3. Thanks, I re-tightened the bolts on the oil pump because they were a bit loose. If the leaking persists, it is coming off again and I will be getting a new pump from the dealer. Changed out the plugs and wires today. The old spark plugs were pretty ratty and corroded, but they came out with no problems so that was a relief. I also did a compression test while I had everything apart and came up with the following numbers: Cylinder 1: 160 psi Cylinder 2: 155 psi Cylinder 3: 155 psi Cylinder 4: 155 psi So compression tests out good. That was after my first test because with my first test there was some crap in the threads of 3 and 4, and after I cleared them out I got better readings so everything tests out good. The cap for the distributor is in pretty good shape, but the rotor will need to be replaced because it is a bit worn. I will be doing that next when I get the chance. I am also having trouble getting the crank seal off, if anybody has any tips, please let me in on them. I did not have this much trouble getting the crank seal off of my EJ22E.
  4. Took the crank pulley off today to inspect the leak. Turns out that the crank seal is fine and not leaking, but instead the oil pump is leaking on the top right side. I checked the bolts for tightness and they were somewhat loose, but because they are small, I did not torque them too much because I was afraid I was stripping them. When I bolted on the oil pump after re-sealing it, I only snugged the bolts, but I'm afraid to see what happens when I take them out. The bolts were fine when I had removed them to re-seal, but I don't know at this point. I have to go to work now with a busted swollen ankle and the thought of stripped bolts which will turn out to be a world of headaches if they are stripped. God damn I am so nervous right now I feel like I should start smoking. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Got the remaining bolts onto the oil pan today. Boy was that a pain in the rump roast trying to fight the horrible fitting gasket while trying to get the bolt onto the thread. Having little hands definitely helped, especially with the bolts circled below because the only way to get at them was sideways. There is an identical bolt on the other side. Really really hard attempting to fight the gasket and get the thread in completely by hand. My new oil pressure sender wrapped with some teflon to be sure that it doesn't leak. Lol, that turbo is shot. Oil starvation = ridiculous shaft play and the compressor fins are all chunked out. Got everything hooked up and ready to go. Filled the car up with some Shell Rotella 15w40. All of my Subarus run 15w40 and they all run like tops. Started the car up and crossed my fingers... Some oil is still leaking. I'm assuming that it is from the crank seal because there is oil gathering on the top of the oil pump assembly. It cannot be the oil pump because I resealed that. So I will be going to Subaru tomorrow to order a new seal and a new alternator/waterpump belt as well. Other than the oil leaking has certainly gotten better. It is no longer hemorrhaging oil from the oil pressure sender because that is new, and the oil pan gasket is sealing nice and properly, so I'm guessing that the problem now is the crank seal. Also the car is very hesitant when the engine is cold. I'm thinking that the carb needs to be rebuilt when I get the chance. It's not keeping me from driving it though, once the car warms up it runs like a champ, so I'm guessing there is a failing seal or gasket within the carb or the intake manifold, I'll have to check.
  6. Tackled my leaking oil pan and oil pressure sender today. Here is the car currently up on jackstands: Took the oil pan off: Oil pan: Everything came off nice and easily. The oil pan bolts were not torqued like crazy, which they shouldn't be so they came off no problems. Cleared off the mating surface on the block and the oil pan itself. This took a while and was a huge pain in the rump roast. Speaking of pains in the rump roast, I am having a lot of trouble getting all of the bolts back into the pan and onto the block. The gasket that I had gotten from the dealer did not match up as nicely as I had expected, so I ended up only bolting in 16 out of the 19 bolts tonight. There is an art to it though which I have figured out. Get in whatever bolts you can and only torque them about 1/4 way in. For the parts where the gasket does not line up with the hole, get the bolt in there with the screwdriver, guide it around until you have a good idea that it has made it's way through the gasket hole, then guide it around until you feel a click into the bolt hole and begin to tighten. A lot harder than it sounds. Too bad it will be raining for the next few days, I just want to get everything together and consider oil leaks a thing of the past.
  7. Good info right here, I'm about to reseal the oil pan on my 1984 BRAT. I was going to start a thread but everything I need to know is here. Thanks guys.
  8. Good news fellas. Got in contact with the previous titled owner and he has agreed to help me with whatever I need to transfer the ownership title into my name. He said that when he had originally brought it to the junk yard, he had given the physical title over to them, but there wasn't an "official" title transfer. He apparently lost my first letter, but he got this one and got in contact with me. Now I just need to pay for a lost title form, have him sign it, wait for the title, fill out the transfer and it will be ready for the road. I will also be getting my new oil pan gasket and oil pressure sender this week which will give me something to do on my day off. Can't drive a car that is leaking oil like crazy. This engine has only got 62,000 miles on it, it will be treated very well.
  9. A quick update fellas. I know it has been a long time since I posted but it has been busy. Been getting a lot of overtime lately + my last weeks of my summer semester so it has been hard to put aside some time for the BRAT.\ I attempted to wrap the oil pressure sender screw with teflon. That thing is tiny, it's like 3/16 of an inch to work with. I wrapped it up and it still is leaking pretty badly, so I will be needing a new oil pressure sending unit. I also discovered a new oil leak. My oil pan gasket is leaking towards the front of the engine pretty badly as well so I will have to remove the pan and get a new gasket for that. The previous titled owner is being a wongleflute and he is not contacting me despite me giving him all of my information, some of which I probably did not even know about myself. I also told him I would be willing to pay for everything. All I really need from him is his signature, and he won't even give me that. Nor is he showing any interest in the BRAT so it's not like he's being a wongleflute because he wants it back, he's being a wongleflute just to be a wongleflute. I can't weld anything up until I can get this on the road, and at this point, it might be a while because this guy refuses to help me out.
  10. Thanks a lot guys for the insight. I have kept a receipt of everything that I have bought in regards to this car, down to receipts for degreaser. The previous "titled" owner has not been in contact with the car in so long that I figure with the bonded title, I will be able to make the 3 year limit no problem. Just have to talk to my insurance agent tomorrow and get everything sorted out.
  11. Got the other 3 wheels painted today. Took me 4 hours to paint 3 wheels... Well worth it though, they came out way better than I had expected. Appliance epoxy FTW.
  12. Yeah, but it's the only chance that I have of getting the title in my name unless I transfer the title of the previous owner which I have tried and failed. The previous owner has not had the vehicle in over 7 years. The BRAT sat at a repair shop where the kid I bought the car from bought it. It had been there for a while and after he bought it, it sat another 3 years. From what I can see, the previous owner is not looking for the vehicle, and I have tried to get into contact with the previous owner, but I haven't had any luck. This is the best shot I have at making this car 100% mine. I doubt the original owner will have any interest in the car if they haven't even thought about it in 7 years.
  13. Bad news. DMV told me that the car cannot be registered without a title. I was told that if the vehicle is over 25 years old it does not need a title, but that's not true. It turns out in CT the car has to be produced before 1981, which my BRAT obviously wasn't made before 1981. I was told to get a bonded title which means that I can register the vehicle. It also gives the previous owner 3 years to retrieve the vehicle if they want to, but after the 3 years is up, the vehicle becomes 100% mine. I will be contacting my insurance agent tomorrow to get this bonded title going. At this point, I really really just want to get this thing on the road. Headaches headaches headaches...
  14. I got my set of wagon wheels sandblasted the past week. School got canceled today for some reason, so I set out early to retrieve my paint supplies I needed to paint them. The sandblasting came out very well, the rims are completely rust free. I searched through the forums on USMB and found that people have much success with Rustoleum appliance epoxy, which is conveniently offered in enamel white, the color that I want to paint my wheels. OK, enough rambling, here are the results: Sandblasted, down to the metal rim: Primed rim (Rustoleum rust resistance primer): Painted white rim: I am actually really surprised on how good it came out. I did 3 light coats of primer, 2 light coats of paint and a final, heavier coat of paint. I'm letting it dry right now to see if I might need another coat of paint, but that is doubtful, they look pretty well done already. What do you guys think? Paint the other 3 the same way or what? Quick mock-up
  15. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too... Oh well, it will be a nice conversation starter to those who are interested.
  16. I will be getting this thing registered this week, and I was thinking about getting a vanity plate for it. I was thinking: It's short for "Chicken Tax". I wish Connecticut allowed for 7 letters so I would be able to do CHKNTAX, but CHKNTX will have to do for now. The significance of the chicken tax to Subaru BRATs has to do with the jumpseats. Prepare yourselves for a history lesson for those of you who don't already know... Back in the day, Subarus were not manufactured in the US, but instead were imported from Japan. The Subaru BRAT was considered a light truck, and light trucks that were imported into the US would be charged a 25% tariff, known as the "Chicken Tax". Subaru evaded this tax by producing selected BRATs with the famous pair of jumpseats in the back, which would enable the vehicle to be considered a passenger vehicle which would only be charged a 2.5% tariff as opposed to the 25% tariff on light trucks. So the jumpseats aren't there to look cool, they were mainly there for financial purposes and to evade a ridiculous 25% tariff. Very clever if you ask me. So what do you guys think, should I go with that vanity plate or no? Any other suggestions?
  17. Took a 5 hour road-trip today almost to the Vermont border for my $50 jumpseats with the mounting frame. Definitely worth the drive. Quick mock-up of how it looks: Still need to get it registered and fix the oil leak coming from the oil pressure sender. Slowly making progress... I'm looking for seatbelts for the jumpseats, so if anyone has them, please let me know. I am looking for a set so I can be sure that the cops won't bust my chops if I have passengers in the back.
  18. I'm going to seal the screw up first. If that doesn't work, I will be sending you a PM. Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the offer, but the rust on the floor boards isn't that bad. I can easily patch it up with some small sheet metal squares. Save the floor boards for someone who really needs them.
  20. Ugh... Upon driving the BRAT today then parking it, I found that I am hemorrhaging oil from the oil pressure sender. It is dripping once every second from the screw, my father says that this was pretty common and that all that needs to be done is to put some high pressure sealant around the screw and torque it back in nice and tight. If anyone can chime in on this please help me out. I don't want to drive it with oil leaking this badly.
  21. Yes, we still get together every Wednesday. The past few weeks it has been rainy though, so we've met up at the Brass Mill's Center parking garage, went inside to the food court to hang out for a little while then hung out in the parking garage. Just keep up with the thread on CTSubie and you should be fine. Hopefully I will be able to bring it to the meet on Wednesday and maybe even see you there if the weather permits.
  22. I got my bill of sale in the mail yesterday, so I now have all of the documentation I need to call it my car. Hopefully I will be able to get it registered this weekend and get it out on the road! Also got my rocker panels from Mill Supply this morning. They are for a 4 door wagon, so they will need to be cut length-wise obviously, which is not a problem. They are also a little fatter than the current rockers on my BRAT, but other than that they match up pretty well. Hoping to get this thing on the road this weekend so I can drive it around and get it to my father's buddy's house where he has a welder. Apparently my father used to have a welder but he sold it. Oh well, if worst comes to worst, I'll buy a welder and make a whole bunch of awesome stuff for this thing.
  23. Oh, OK, that's good to know. They said they wouldn't bill me until they ship them out so once I see an e-mail with a receipt or something, I'll know when to expect them.
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