I have the same problem with my 1991 Subaru Lgacy 2 wheel drive....hesitation..hesitation and more hesitation.has 134 k miles on it................replaced air filter .... spark plugs .... wires .... fuel filter still hesitates.........
my friends who has a garage checked the fuel plessure looks good ,,put a meter on the line after the fuel filter and looks good........
here is what happens..:
first time on the expressway around 50 MPH or so.....cruising ......... the car starts to have no power when I accelerate .I press on the gas pedale and it shifts down to 3 gear and starts to hunt on the tach from around 2500 to 3000 RPM's ...........???
then the othwer day just on local street driving no power untill I get on it .........
some one suggested checking the TPS unit.
ANY OTHER SUGGESTION HELP >>!!!!!!!!!!please e-mail me at
HMich.ny@netzero.net for some info I could use