Hi Guys,
I've got a 2000 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon, 5 spd MT, with 120,000 miles on it.
When the car is fully warmed up...usually after 20 minutes or more of driving...during tight turns...the right rear wheel will hop and bind as I'm turning.
I believe it's only the right rear wheel but I could be wrong.
I've checked the rear wheel bearings and they seem to be tight.
I've checked the CV joints and they seem fine as well.
I checked and changed the oil in the rear diff 1.5 years ago and I changed it again 2 weeks ago.
I checked the rear brake rotors and calipers and everything looks fine there.
Since this GT Wagon came with a rear viscous limited slip differential (LSD) I've been thinking that the LSD unit must be failing. Especially since the symptom only appears once the car is fully warmed up.
Has anyone ever hear of these Viscous LSDs going bad?
I thought if the VLSD went bad then it would essentially behave like an open differential?
Also, could this symptom be the result of the center differential failing?
(I've heard of torque bind being caused by a failing center diff).
So is it possible to just change the VLSD unit inside of the rear differential or would I have to replace the whole rear diff unit?
Is it best to buy these brand new or find one in a junk yard?
I plan on keeping the car at least until it hits 200,000 miles.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.